He's an amazing man

Jun 03, 2009 21:20


I have been study all day long American Literature (Colombus, Bradford and Bradstreet) so I dont have anything new or interesting to tell you. Now is when you ask "what are you going to post, then?", ok, that's the thing...

The thing is that I dreamt of Jack Donaghy last night. Do not ask me about what happened in my dream because I just remember ( Read more... )

celeb: alec baldwin, 30rock, 30rock: liz lemon, friends: chandler bing, friends, literature, friends: monica geller, 30rock: jack donaghy, celeb: jennifer aniston

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Comments 4

ams87 June 4 2009, 12:23:34 UTC
Hey hey, I nabbed you from a Jack/Liz fic I just read. We share major love for 30R and Jack/Liz, I'm friending you and there's nothing you can do about it! :p


doll_haze June 4 2009, 12:35:34 UTC
It's always nice meeting 30rock fans ^^ Im adding you back ;)


love_kate_walsh June 4 2009, 20:46:01 UTC
I loved the *7* scene! Aw I have to watch Friends again. I loved that show so much ♥


doll_haze June 4 2009, 21:11:36 UTC
It was a great show. Now Im watching again the whole series and I still love it!


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