Small Regrets by redglade [Drabble #11- glimpse]

Nov 27, 2008 20:49

Title : Small Regrets
Author : red glade
Theme : Weekly Perfection Prompt #11 - Glimpse
Genre : General
Rating : PG
Warning : None
Word Count : 100
Cannon/AU : AU
Summary : Sesshoumaru is concerned over Kagome’s reaction.

A/N : This was written to show just abit of Sesshoumaru’s thought processes in a previous drabble I wrote, called Honor Bound. Just click on the story name, if you'd like to see Kagome's side of it. : )

He wondered, for a moment, if he had done the correct thing.

As he drew his youki from the air, he watched comprehension enter Kagome’s eyes while her perch disappeared from beneath her. Her fingers fluttered over his hakama as she tried to grip it, to stop her plummet towards solid ground. Her scream pierced his ears, and he thought, I made a vow…

When her head turned, and he glimpsed her smile, the curl of worry in his throat loosened. And when he caught her, tucking her body against his, he made another vow.

I will always catch you.

-canon universe, 2009 1q, =drabble #011 glimpse, =drabble, red glade, -gen!fic

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