Silence in the Library by thirteenxwishes [Drabble #93]

Jun 23, 2010 21:49

Title: Silence in the Library
Author: thirteenxwishes
Theme: Weekly Perfection #93, Hook
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: All ages.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 400 words
Summary: The bookshop is his place of work, his refuge - and also his jail. Sesshoumaru, his memories, and Kagome.

A/N: Apologies if I was supposed to tag; wasn't entirely sure so I'm going to have to hide behind the first-time poster excuse if so. >.<

Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha, all rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi. :)

The bookshop sits very quietly in the morning light. As usual, he settles behind the till and basks in the early rays of the sun, the expansive emptiness of a room filled with many words unread. This solitude is one he guards jealously; he valued silence in his days as Lord of the West and his place in this shop changes nothing about that particular quirk. It gives him time to think, reflect, reminisce - sometimes even pick up one of the worn hardbacks left sitting beneath the till, youki threading vaguely through his fingers to hook around the edges of the cover, flicking the pages lazily. He knows these modern stories now, many more than the scant few she told him when they sat in his gardens beneath the heat of the summer moon. Lord turned scholar; in reality, there is little difference. He fights new battles now, against silverfish and broken bindings.

Part of him wants to be ashamed that he has come to this; the part that howls in the night and longs for blood, death, destruction, fragmented pride sinking sharp teeth into healing wounds. He refuses to admit that he misses her, that remembering is no longer enough to sustain him. But the knowledge claws its way between his ribs regardless, constricts his heart until sometimes he wonders if he will burst from it. The all-powerful Lord of the West killed by a slip of a human girl. It wouldn't be the first time.

And so he waits. Every sunrise, before customers begin to stumble into the twilight of his domain, he sits amongst the quiet and watches memories sink into dust. Until this, now, the most mundane of all mornings, his fingers occupied by the oldest book in the shop. The rustle of the door chimes breaks his self-imposed silence.

"Hello? Anyone here?"

The book falls to the floor with a thud, scatters his solitude and sends the revenants that haunt him swirling away into the air. For what feels like the first time in centuries, Sesshoumaru breathes out in a rush; reanimated.


-canon universe, thirteenxwishes, =drabble #093 hook, -romance, =drabble, 2010 2q, -angst

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