Title: Oddities
Author: Priestess Skye
Word count: 300
Prompt: Blue
Rating: K
Category: General
Summary: He cared nothing for what she wrote, but more for the item itself. He couldn`t help but be intrigued by the blue ink covering the pages of the girl’s book
He would not admit to his curiosity. He was above such things. Still, he couldn`t help but be intrigued by the blue ink covering the pages of the girl’s book. Her ‘diary’, she had called it. He had overheard her speaking to Inuyasha about it moments earlier. She seemed very possessive of the item. And she certainly kept its contents a secret.
The words meant nothing to him.
He cared nothing for what she wrote, but more for the item itself. Seeing pages bound in such a way, with such an unattractive and foreign cover, was new, different.
And the blue ink...ink was not blue. In his experience, ink was black. It seeped and spread through the parchment as the quill made its way across the surface. The quill she used didn’t look like a quill at all. “Don’t think about it,” Inuyasha warned from a branch above, his eyes closed as he lay against the trunk of the tree. “There are few things scarier than Kagome when she’s upset.”
Rising to his feet, Sesshoumaru made his way across the clearing. No mortal girl could be considered a threat to him. The hanyou’s concern for the girl’s ire only made the mongrel appear more foolish. He was not so weak. He allowed his shadow to loom over the girl, vaporizing whatever sense of security she may have felt around him. Clawed hands reached for the book, and he glanced at the gaudy picture on the front. Hearts.
And a cat.
“Disgusting,” he stated, his eyes going no further than the bright colours. A flash of green and the book melted before him. Brown eyes stared up at him in shock, before narrowing in anger.
Perhaps, this wasn’t the wisest of ideas, he thought as his skin began to singe.