Pet Peeve by pos_sess_ed [Drabble #79]

Mar 21, 2010 17:35

Title: Pet Peeve
Author: pos_sess_ed
Prompt: Neck
Word Count: 100
Genre: Humor
Rating: K
Summary: Kagome tries to be a law-abiding citizen.

Sesshoumaru laughed as Kagome wrestled with his squirming pelt. Mokomoko was easily winning.

“Miko, this is an exercise in futility. Concede.”

“Sesshoumaru, it’s not some pointless whim, it’s the law. All pets have to wear a license. To comply, I need to figure out how to make it stay on him.”

“Mokomoko is not a pet.”

“He’d be viewed as one.”

“You are attempting to place a necklace upon a being that is essentially neck-less.”

“It’s not a necklace; it’s a collar with his tags. Neck-less?!?  He’s nothing but neck, that’s the problem! He keeps slipping through it. Help me!”

-canon universe, =drabble #079 neck, -comedy, =drabble, 2010 1q, pos sess ed

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