Title: What to wear or not to wear
Author: A Mystic Lady
Theme: Stare
Genre: General
Rating: T
Word Count: 100
Warning: Snap shot from Oracle of the Western Lands
Summary: Kagome explains why she doesn't wear miko garments
-edit 11/9/10 - Warning change from part one to snap shot. Will be used in full chapter later. Maybe
"Why do you not wear miko garments?" Sesshoumaru asked.
"Because I am not Kikyo." Kagome snorted.
"How does what you wear make you someone else?"
"He sees her when I wear them and I am untrained. I don’t want people to believe I can help when I cannot."
“You do not love him?" He rebutted.
"If I must change who I am to receive his love then it is not love. I would rather someone saw me and not who they wish I was." Kagome said with a small frown.
Sesshoumaru stared at her as she walked back to camp.