Soggy Mess by Meav [Drabble #215 Leak]

Nov 05, 2012 21:12

Title: Soggy Mess
Author: Meav
Prompt: Leak
Genre: General
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Kagome learns that if Sesshoumaru offers to carry your stuff, you should let him.

Kagome stared in dismay at the soggy contents of her new backpack. Apparently it wasn't as water proof as the tag had led her to believe, it had leaked. The miko glanced from her backpack to the river they had just crossed and back again.


“This Sesshoumaru did offer to carry-”

“This Kagome doesn't care.” She huffed, irritated.

“This Sesshoumaru does not take kindly to mockery.” He growled.

“Oh? Well, this Kagome doesn't take well to assholes.” The sour woman growled back.


Said miko whipped around, pulled down her bottom eyelid and stuck her tongue out. Sesshoumaru scoffed.

2012 term 2, -canon universe, meav, =drabble #215 leak, =drabble, -gen!fic

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