Title: Secret's Out
Author: Aviel
Theme: Sabotage
Genre: Humor
Rating: K
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
A/N: This is a future installment of
Birds of a FeatherSummary: Kagome solves one of the greatest mysteries in the world.
"I've always wondered something, Sesshoumaru-sama..."
The daiyoukai was wary of the curiosity in the woman's voice, knowing that even if he didn't respond, she would continue talking anyway.
And she didn't disappoint.
"Is this your tail?" Kagome asked, while stroking his mokomoko with surprisingly nimble fingers. A tingle went down his spine, and he clenched his jaw, unwilling to let her sabotage his control.
Her ministrations will be his undoing.
"It is this one's fur."
"Okay... Does it do anything? Like, store your energy?"
Her eyebrows furrowed. "So... It's a fashion statement?"
Sesshoumaru dropped the fluff onto her head.