The Wedding by Aineyel [Drabble #210 Fib]

Sep 28, 2012 04:30

Title: The Wedding
Author: Aineyel
Theme: Fib
Genre: General
Rating: K+
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 400
Summary: It was a very special day~ But where was Kagome?

Kagome glanced around nervously. She looked towards her right, and she looked towards her left. Making sure she had a tight grip on her gift, she bolted.
She saw her destination and ran. Her hand landed on the doorknob and she turned it, opening the door viciously and then slowing it so it wouldn’t slam closed.

She ran down the hall way and out the building, running across the street, into another building. She briefly noted that a black Mercedes had pulled into the building before she reached it.

She could hear people laughing and talking down the hall. The whole hall was busting with noise and excitement.

However, she took a small detour, opening a door to her left. Running through several more doors, she finally reached a curtain. Pulling the curtain aside, she made sure no one had noticed her yet as she slipped into the wedding.

The corner that she was in was dark and surrounded by mounds of presents on top of a table. It was the perfect cover for her to sneak in.

No one would ever know she was late-

“Hnnnn, to think that you of all people would be late to his wedding...”

Kagome froze at his voice; she grimaced as she turned to look at Sesshomaru. He was wearing a tuxedo with a blue tie in his hand was a glass of red wine. His platinum hair was tied back into a low ponytail. She dusted off her black and blue dress and quickly added her gift to the pile.

“It’s not like I didn’t see your car right before I got here. I know you were late too.”

Sesshomaru smirked and said nothing, simply holding out his arm for her. She frowned, taking his arm and sitting at their table.

Just in time too as Kikyo and Inuyasha rounded their table to greet them and to take pictures. Kikyo was glowing in her beautiful traditional kimono and Inuyasha beamed knowing he had married someone so beautiful.

“Best wedding ever, wouldn’t you say?”

Inuyasha grinned as he half hugged Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru glared at him, uncomfortable.

“Thank you for being here, Kagome.”

Kikyo smiled at Kagome, directing her towards the half-brothers.

“The wedding was wonderful. I’m glad I was here.” Sesshomaru and Kagome glanced at each other. They both fibbed, but it didn’t matter.
The camera flashed, it was for Kikyo and Inuyasha.

2012 term 2, -alternate universe, =drabble #210 fib, aineyel, =drabble, -gen!fic

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