Fervid Infatuation by Aviel [Drabble #207]

Sep 06, 2012 19:50

Title: Fervid Infatuation
Author: Aviel
Theme: Numb
Genre: Drama
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 300 (according to OpenOffice)
Summary: Moving on was just a matter of time.

Eyes of a beautiful shade of gold stole the breath from her lungs, effortlessly rendering her limbs useless until she was no more than a quivering mass of womanly flesh. Those citrine orbs glimmered with a mesmerizing flame, that which was so familiar and so achingly similar to the other’s…and yet not.

No… No.

They were not the same.

He was a man, unhindered and proud.

His predecessor, a hollow shell of a boy, was always haunted by the tragedy of his past.

A sudden cold seeped into her bones and froze the blood rushing through her veins. A soothing chill kissed every finger, consuming her warmth, her very life, her very essence of being. Down, the wave traveled - through her chest and along the curve of her spine - placing burning caresses over her skin before finally concluding at the tips of her toes.

This all-consuming fire swallowed her whole, dunking her body into an ice bath of numbness, taking away her ability to feel anything.

She knew it was wrong and that she should stop, but even she could not ignore the sweet whispers of temptation in her ears. Could she be so cruel as to take that experience from him? Even when he began to show signs of expressing such impossible emotions to her and those who thought him incapable?

She smiled grimly to herself.

She wasn’t that selfish.

Honestly, she would let him do whatever he pleased as long as she was there to witness the mighty stirrings of his heart. She delighted in the fact that his entire body radiated such overwhelming passion, blazing so intensely that the scorching inferno of Hell paled in comparison.

If only he could reciprocate the raw devotion shining within her cerulean eyes…

…Only then would he truly achieve perfection.

2012 term 2, -drama, -alternate universe, =drabble, =drabble #207 numb, aviel

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