Tender Concern, by Neisha [drabble #207]

Sep 06, 2012 01:18

Title: Tender Concern
Author: Neisha
Prompt: 207: Numb
Rating: T
Word Count: 300 (according to Word)
Warning: Mention of nudity
Summary: The need to find water escalates, and Sesshomaru improvises.

Sesshomaru pulled Kagome closer, his eyes bright in the darkness. She hurt, her pain raging an ongoing battle he could feel as he carried her though the blackness. Her tears scorched his skin; he should have been numb to them, should have marveled instead at his poison’s potency and waited quietly for the devastation it would yield. Instead, Sesshomaru moved faster through the darkness, ignoring her startled gasp when he pulled his clothing from her grasp, gaining speed so the air’s forced current would cool her burning skin.

She couldn't understand his reasoning, reaching instead with weak hands for the cloth that shielded what remained of her modesty. She didn’t understand his motivation in helping her, couldn’t fathom what he hoped to gain in trying to save her when clearly, she was dying. Her body ached. Her wounds stung. Her brain screamed to send Sesshomaru away, but her heart wasn't in sync with her head. It was easy to shed tears then, though she struggled in vain to keep them hidden. Frustration warred with embarrassment, and embarrassment warred with pain.

She refused to cry out, denied her body’s demand to release the emotion building just beneath the surface. She was near-naked in a demon man’s embrace, clutched tight against his equally naked skin, yet her only concern was finding water to cool her skin.

She knew the others wouldn’t understand-she wasn’t sure she understood herself. She should have been mortified, should have pushed Sesshomaru away. But when he pulled her closer, she couldn’t stop herself from tucking her face into his neck, huddling closer without regard to her nudity, or his.

For a second Kagome thought she felt Sesshomaru turn his head, felt his lips brush tenderly over her forehead, and linger there for a tender moment of unspoken concern.

-drama, -canon universe, =drabble, =drabble #207 numb, neisha

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