CK: The Morning Two-Step by Avadrea [Drabble #194]

Jun 12, 2012 00:14

Title: The Morning Two-Step
Author: Avadrea
Prompt: Pert
Word Count: 200 (according to word)
Genre: Romance
Universe: A/U
Rating: T (for nudity)
Warnings: Continuation of Crashing Kagome
Summary: It's never a good idea to forget where you left your Sesshouamru.

Kagome had always been a morning person.  Every day at exactly seven am her pink cow alarm clock would start to moo.  She never hit the snooze button; instead she would hop out of bed, great the rising sun with an exuberant stretch, and prance jauntily into the shower.  There she would shimmy about under the stream of warm water, dancing cheerfully as she belted out lyrics to her favorite pop song while scrubbing herself clean.

It became a bit difficult to sing while brushing her teeth but she always gave it her best attempt resulting in silly new ‘lyrics’ that made her giggle.  After murdering a few choruses she would give herself a foamy grin before rinsing and padding out to the kitchen in search of breakfast wearing nothing but a towel wrapped pertly about her head.  Something without bacon of course, she had learned the hard way that it was never wise to cook bacon in the buff.

This morning had been no different.  She had risen quite cheerfully, stretched, danced her way through her morning ablutions, and flounced naked into the kitchen.  A perfectly normal morning, until she came face to face with her forgotten house guest.

avadrea, -alternate universe, =drabble #194 pert, 2012 2q, -romance, =drabble

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