Indelible Imprint by Lillian [Drabble 183]

Mar 27, 2012 00:16

Title: Indelible Imprint
Author: Lillian
Prompt: Single
Word Count: 200
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Universe: Canon
Summary: They never told her the truth about what it would be like.
Author's Note: This will eventually, far down the road, be added to Contact, my ongoing serial on Dokuga. It can be read as a stand alone, however. You can find Contact here:

There wasn’t any one thing that could have prepared Kagome for this moment--nothing, not education from Mama or Eri or mangas or television.

“You know,” Eri shrugged, trying to explain it, “it’s a kiss. With lips and stuff, and he’ll probably taste like what he last ate.” She smiled dreamily. “I remember Naishen tasted of cotton candy that day when we went to the fair.”

They failed to explain it thoroughly. They failed to explain the way his body would bracket hers as he pinned her to the sand, his chest pressing against hers, her breasts pushing into his pectorals, or how he would hold himself up on his forearms, which were positioned on either side of her head so she could look only at his golden eyes.

They didn’t mention how her eyes would slide shut as he nuzzled her under her jawline softly, his hair trailing against her chin, how one of his hands would tangle in the locks of her hair as the heat of his breath warmed her lips right before he pressed his to hers.

They didn’t tell her, because they didn’t know, that she wouldn’t be the same again after a single kiss.

-canon universe, =drabble #184 fault, sascha-sama, -romance, 2012 1q, =drabble

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