Obvious Intentions by Luna [Drabble #182 Prompt]

Mar 19, 2012 11:15

Title: Obvious Intentions
Author: Luna
Theme: Prompt
Genre: Drama, Romance
Rating: T
Words: 400
A/N: This will eventually be added to Sesshoumaru's Secret
Summary: Sesshoumaru walks in on an oh-so-subtle interrogation...

“I see you’ve met my mother,” Sesshoumaru said coolly, interrupting Kagome’s babble. It always amused him the way she seemed to burst with more energy when she was nervous than she used any other time.
“Yes! She’s been very kind.” Kagome was still smiling, and that had Sesshoumaru narrowing his eyes a bit.

Slanting golden eyes at the serene older woman on the couch who wore a suspiciously innocent expression, he knew that what really happened had been a subtle interrogation. When he went over to kiss his mother’s cheek in greeting, he murmured in her ear, “You must be getting rusty. She saw right through your ploy.”

“I have no idea what you mean, dear.” She said brightly, setting her tea down before standing. “I’ll let you two have some alone time,” she used her fingers to make quotations in the air, secretly amused at the way Kagome flushed a bright cherry red. “I’m sure you have lots to catch up on. I mean, it’s only been three hours, I think, since you last saw each other? Ah, the strain of young loves…”

She floated out of the room, little Inuyasha at her heels. Kagome could only stare at her with wide eyes, not knowing what to think. “She’s definitely not what I expected.” Sesshoumaru looked at her silently with a raised a brow. At his silent prompt, she added, “I thought she was this cool, unflappable woman. On tv she’s completely composed and perfect. But she’s really…”

Sesshoumaru expected her to use words that he often associated with her himself; ditzy, bubble-head, crazy - but she surprised him once again when a sweet smile curved her lips. “Nice.” She finally said. “She’s really nice.”

Sesshoumaru snorted. “You say that now. She’s really very evil.” Kagome stared at him with a deadpanned expression, clearly not believing him. “It’s true,” Sesshoumaru argued, sitting in the spot that Izayoi had sat in with his arms spread over the back of the couch. “When she’s bored, she’ll dress Inuyasha up like a doll. And take pictures. I think she’s planning on using them as blackmail for when Inuyasha’s a teenager.”

Kagome snorted out a laugh, and Sesshoumaru found himself relaxing even more. “Yeah, right. For all you know, he’ll turn into a perfect little guy like you.”

“Why mess with perfection?”

Shuddering, Sesshoumaru looked away with a hooded expression. “God, I hope not.”

-drama, -alternate universe, luna, -romance, 2012 1q, =drabble, =drabble #182 prompt

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