Weekly Perfection Banners

Feb 27, 2012 23:57

Weekly Perfection
Drabble Contests for Spring 2012
These tokens are for all Weekly Perfection contest participants. If you entered a drabble, you can claim that week's wee bit and add it to your collection. Winter's contests will run in March, April, and May.

To refresh your memory on our community's contest rules, please visit our profile page.

Past Contests:

Week #193 - soon
Word Count - 400

Week #192 - bring
Word Count - 100

FanArt: Every Day Love 3 by YoukaiYume

Week #191 - low
Word Count - 300

FanArt: Tie by RedShootingStar

Week #190 - twinge
Word Count - 100

FanArt: Aishiteru by Lady Shieru

Week #189 - limb
Word Count - 200

FanArt: Mother's Wisdom by YoukaiYume

Week #188 - swing
Word Count - 400

FanArt: love love love by Steph

Week #187 - nerve
Word Count - 100

Week #186 - harsh
Word Count - 300

Week #185 - droplet
Word Count - 100

FanArt: Just Hold Me by Amadeus

FanArt: SessKag Another Kiss by Rikayu-chan

Week #184 - fault
Word Count - 200

Week #183 - single
Word Count - 200

FanArt: SessKag Vulnerable by YoukaiYume

FanArt: Future by Rikayu-chan

FanArt: So much like my father by LazyJenny

Week #182 - prompt
Word Count - 400

FanArt: IY Suits by Rikayu-chan

Week #181 - gulp
Word Count - 200

**Unless otherwise noted, the banner-maker for all Weekly Perfection banners was forthrightly.

Go back to Winter 2011's Weekly Perfection Page

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