Superstitions by SunsetMiko [Drabble #174]

Jan 18, 2012 15:05

Theme: coin
Genre: General
Rating: PG for language
Warnings: none
Word Count: 400
Summary: She tries to convince herself that Sesshoumaru is definitely not who the palm reader was talking about.
Note: This is a continuation of my 'In the Palm of her Hand' drabble series. I know it has been forever, but you don't need to have read it to understand this one. The rest can be found here.

She was being stupid. She knew it, but knowing it and being able to stop it were two very different things. There was no way the palm reader had been talking about Sesshoumaru. No possible way! Still, the way she'd felt, how her heart ached and she'd been unable to fire even a warning arrow in his direction, haunted her. It wasn't right and she had to find some way to make herself forget it.

He wasn't interested in her. He hated humans. He certainly had no desire to stand in the shadows and watch her. He wasn't plotting and planning to 'attain' her. It was so stupid it was laughable. Still, she felt like a child, wanting to sit and torture a poor innocent flower, plucking petals while repeating 'He loves me, he loves me not' until it was bare and she had an answer. No flowers were available, however, so Kagome set out to prove it to herself in another way. It was just as childish but maybe it would be enough because if Inuyasha woke up and saw her staring off into the distance with the look she just knew was in her eyes... all hell would break loose.

Kagome pulled a coin from her pocket and studied it for a moment before thinking to herself, because she didn't dare utter it aloud, 'Heads means Sesshoumaru is my true love.' She laughed bitterly in her own mind at that one. Yeah, right. Sesshoumaru was her true love and had been pining for her from a distance ever since he first laid eyes on her. 'Tails means I'm being an idiot and either the palm reader is completely wrong or it is someone else.'

Her hands were shaking as she examined the coin for a moment longer, as if begging the thing with her eyes alone to give her the desired response. Sucking in a deep breath, she gave the coin a toss, catching it in her hand.

'Great, now I'm afraid to even look at the thing. Damn them for dragging me to that palm reader. If they hadn't, none of this would be happening. I wouldn't be thinking such ridiculous things. Come on, Kagome. It doesn't matter what it says anyway. It's just a coin. It can't predict the future.'

She opened her hand and stared at the head of the coin she held.

"Damn it!"

=drabble #174 coin, -canon universe, 2012 1q, =drabble, -gen!fic, sunsetmiko

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