Tag. You're it. by LC Rose (drabble #167)

Nov 28, 2011 01:41

Title:   Tag. You’re it.
Author: LC Rose
Theme:  Flame (Drabble #167)
Genre: General
Rating: K
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100 (according to Microsoft Word)
Summary: Unrequited lust can be amusing.

At some moments, Kagome thought that she would burn within the flame of his presence. All that need happen though was for Sesshoumaru to speak. His words, dripping with his normal superiority and surety, were enough to let her know that the flames of passion would consume his being more than they would hers…perhaps.

She secretly enjoyed mentally created scenes of them both losing whatever mental capacities they contained in a moment of pure unadulterated lust.

Of course, in the end, nothing ever happened between them. The game of tease continued-an amusement in which she would be the victor.

2011 4q, -canon universe, lc rose, =drabble, =drabble #167 flame, -gen!fic

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