Ungodly Foolish by Azurevi [Oneshot # 83]

Nov 07, 2011 23:22

Title: Ungodly Foolish
Author: Azurevi
Theme: Ungodly Hour
Genre: Romance, Drama, Humor
Rating: T
Word Count: 1000
A/N: This is a continuation of a story, while it can probably stand on it's own the beginning is here http://dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/6511/1
Summary: Kagome has come back to the past to ask Sesshoumaru if he is a closet romantic. The confrontation does not go well...

While critical thinking had never been her strength, Kagome found that she was doing a lot of it very fast. She’d let the romantic notions of teenagers distort her perception of reality and put herself in danger. It felt a lot like when she was fifteen and first fell into the trap of judging taiyoukai by their beautiful facades.

Belatedly she put the pieces together. Sure she had made some assumptions about him based off of fanfiction that was written about a character that she had created based off of him but… Wow. When she thought about it like that, accusing a homicidal taiyoukai of being a closet romantic hadn’t been the smartest move she’d ever made.

As the burn of his poisonous acid heated the skin of her neck Kagome let loose a wave of her reiki, making Sesshoumaru drop her.
She coughed to regain her breath even as she scrambled to her feet and started running back towards the well. When she was barely inches away something stopped all her forward motion and her feet went flying out from under her like an over eager puppy on a leash for the first time. With a groan she looked up to see Sesshoumaru holding the top of her backpack, his gaze murderous.

“Uhmm… how about you let me explain..?” She hazarded.

“I do not think so. You have always lacked proper respect awarded to my station and position as the alpha of your pathetic pack and now you shall be taught your place.”

It was the longest thing he’d ever said to her… and it was SO not romantic in the least. The fansites had to be out of their freaking minds to have romanticized the character of Shiruba in the manga she’d created based on her adventures in the feudal era, Jojishi.

When she’d finally gotten home for good Kagome had been a wreck, unsure of how to consolidate her miko self and school girl self; her mom was the one to suggest that she write everything down. When she did-changing names and not mentioning the well to protect her friends in the past-she’d realized that it made a pretty epic story. For the next five years she’d dedicated her life to learning art and storyboarding and became a real manga artist-transcribing her adventures to that medium.

Some details might have been altered just a little but the basic characters were the same-except for the dark priestess she based off of Kikyo who had NO resemblance to the heroine of the story and in fact had horrible halitosis.

For some reason her fans had latched onto the idea that the stoic, murderous full-blooded demon brother of Seikyuna (AKA Inuyasha) was secretly a romantic and a sex god. Naturally her curiosity got the better of her and here she was, confronting the decidedly UNsexy Sesshoumaru about his secret romantic aspirations and likely getting turned into a miko chew toy in the process.

She’d done many foolish things in her time as the Shikon Miko but this really took the cake.

“I promise to learn some manners if you’ll just let me explain!” Kagome wriggled around but Sesshoumaru’s grip on her backpack did not loosen even minutely.

“Hn.” He dropped her of his own accord and glared down, hand idly playing with the hilt of bakusaiga. “Explain.”

“Well you see in my time I’m an author and sometimes authors get these groupies and…” Kagome launched into the whole explanation of what led her to the situation she was in now, watching for any changes for the worse in Sesshoumaru’s expression.

She explained about how she was an artist and had written a fictional account of her adventures in the feudal era and how he was a character in her stories. She tried to gloss over the whole bit about her human fans thinking that Shiruba-his character-was hot as best she could. She didn’t really see that part of the conversation going too well.

He listened without making a sound or even blinking as far as she could tell. At the end of her recap he tapped his claw against his sword hilt, considering her.

“You draw pictures for a living?”

“Manga.” She corrected with a sniff.

“And this Sesshoumaru is one of the pictures you draw?”

She was suddenly very uncomfortable but couldn’t quite place the feeling of foreboding. “Sort of… maybe… yes… a little!”

“And your renditions are… profitable?”

“Ludicrously.” Kagome nodded, still nervous.

There was no point in lying about it; she’d made more money off of Jojishi than she’d ever dreamed of. Because of her success she’d been able to secure the future of the shrine and send her brother to college while sending her mother on a three month long single’s cruise as a thank-you for supporting her through her time-travelling and starving artist days. The money came too late to get her grandfather the medical help he’d needed but she hoped one day she’d be able to forgive herself for that.

“Retrieve them.” He took her backpack, holding it hostage out of her reach. “You have until the sun sets tonight.”

“Retrieve… the manga series?”


“The WHOLE series??”


“Are you sure you don’t just want like… the cliffnotes version?”

Sesshoumaru managed to look both intimidating and blank. Ignorance had never been so terrifying.

“You know sunset is such an ungodly hour… maybe we should just wait until like tomorrow morning…? Or next year? We can have like an anniversary of the-time-you-threatened-my-life-for-manga party!” Kagome stood with a hopeful look. “Sound like a-Eeep!!”

While she was talking Sesshoumaru casually reached forward and caught her by her collar, bringing her nose to nose with him.

“Know this miko. If you fail to bring what this Sesshoumaru has politely requested, the request shall become impolite. Understood?”

When she managed a weak nod he released her and with her eyes fixed on his perfectly cold handsome face, Kagome fell backwards in time.

azurevi, -canon universe, =oneshot, -romance, -drama, 2011 4q, -comedy, =oneshot #083 ungodly hour

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