Stronger Because by LC Rose (drabble #145)

Jun 27, 2011 23:04


Kagome observed Sesshoumaru with a solemn face. She looked back towards their campsite, grimacing at the merry-making now taking place there-even though it was all her fault.

After careful calculations, Kagome had discovered Inuyasha’s birthday and, despite the hanyou’s mutterings, she’d put together a celebration for him. It was only after her presentation of a cake made entirely from ramen for him alone that Inuyasha had gotten into the spirit of the moment, though.

Shortly after the beginning of Inuyasha’s “surprise” birthday party, Sesshoumaru had departed to sit away…and Kagome understood why. It wasn’t because he despised Inuyasha. No. It was because this was also the anniversary of his father’s death-a father he’d much respected.

Taking a deep breath, Kagome slowly approached Sesshoumaru confident he knew she came. When she was a respectful distance away, she stopped and waited to be acknowledged.

She waited…and waited some more.

Her patience finally giving out, Kagome cleared her throat. The daiyoukai turned towards her and Kagome took that as her cue to speak. “I understand what you’re feeling.”

His eyebrow rose, saying more than words could. She’d insulted him. Damn. This isn’t how things are suppose to work!

Taking a chance, Kagome approached and knelt down near his side. “My father died, too,” she offered.

After a moment’s pause, Sesshoumaru turned his head away from hers. “Humans do.”

She ignored the insulting tone of his voice and focused upon the fact that he’d responded. “He died before his time. He was still so young,” she continued softly. “I miss him so much, but I believe that what he gave me while he was alive strengthened me. My father made me stronger inside and I always carry some of him within me. I do not mourn his death. I celebrate it with my life. I’m who I am because of him.”

The daiyoukai’s head slowly turned towards her, his eyes shining in the night as they narrowed down upon her. “And how did he die, miko?”

Kagome did not want to, but she answered truthfully. “He was…pecked to death by pigeons.”

Sesshoumaru looked confused. “What are…pigeons?”

And then she realized she could make her father’s death something…more. She’d loved him so much and here she had a chance to glory him in unimaginable ways. No one knew of pigeons in this time. “Terrible, terrible foes,” she replied gravely. “Pray you never meet.”

=drabble #145 core, -canon universe, lc rose, -comedy, =drabble, 2011 2q

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