Title: Frozen Fate
Pairing: Changmin/Junsu
Summary: Junsu is living a carefree, comfortable life in his father’s orchards, planning a big adventure. Everything changes when it is decided that the Prince of Ice will marry a son of one of the southern lords. Junsu learns that sometimes life pushes you in an unexpected direction, and fighting it only
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Comments 16
Awww... even when junsu didn't try, prince changmin still get interested in him..
And i like their time together, their interaction between one another.
I hope everything will be alright w/ this storm coming
The marriage would benefit Junsu's land on the upcoming storm, he'd be an idiot to not realize this. Maybe he has time left to backpedal and try to make the prince choose him? or there's no need for it already? hahaha!
junsu is beginning to slowly open up to changmin~ and the prince himself is even more curious about junsu as well.
there are a lot of customs cyran has that junsu is new to and i think he'd been careful enough to not put blame on the girl's father because it was his fault in the first place for what had happened and why the man did what he did to protect his daughter
hmmm... ships from the south and a storm coming from the south... it looks like junsu's family will be in trouble, if junsu's memory of winters coming from the south...
update again soon!
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