Title: Soul Bonding: Chapter 7
Author: DokoNiDemoAruNino
Word count: 1060
Pairing: Ohmiya(main)
Rating/Genre: PG-13 to NC-17, Smut, Romance
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything but the crazy plot. I wish I owned Ohmiya though. XD. Also, I am bad at giving ratings, genre and summary. Many apologies.
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Comments 13
and yes i'm still reading and waiting for this!! ^^
i thought you dropped the fic..
anyway thanks for the update!! :)
I'm glad the finally found each other. I'd like to know the development between Sho and Aiba
wow, Nino fainted?? look like Ohchan have to train him more, lol
thank you for this chapter, gonna wait for next one <3
just read :b and i think this okay :D
typed what you feel like.
but make sure to update.
im going to miss this if it left unfinish T_T
what will ohno do to nino later? hope at least he can be sweet.. and cuddlin with nino after he wake up :D poor him , tired to coop with ohno , such a beast lol
Thank you :D
finally you update this fic again, i'm waiting for long ;u;
and thank you so much you didn't drop this fic ;u;
lol poor ohchan that nino is fainted XD
khuuuuuu~ can't wait for what will happened then~
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