Title: Fogged Glasses
Author: DokoDemoAruNino
Pairing: Ohmiya
Word Count: 873(One Shot)
Rating/Genre: Romance, Fluff,
Disclaimer: Got the prompt from tumblr,
http://otpprompts.tumblr.com Summary: Person A wears glasses. Person B goes to kiss their forehead, and when they pull away, A
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Comments 4
Haaaaiiiii~~!!! Where have you been? Its nice to read your fanfic again after you take a break for so looong time...
I love this sweet stuff. Fluffy thing is good for mental health, especially for me who always escape from bitter reality. 😅
Btw I love how Ohno's sweetness. So lucky Nino have him in your fanfic. That make me envy! XD
It's really cute. They are so cute together and yeah it would be nice if he wrote lyrics again.
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