Title: To my dear Masato
Rated: PG
Pairing: none
Chapter: 1/2
Summary: Yuji has a problem and who better to talk to than Masato?
Comments: I've had this in my Facebook for a while and because I said I was going to post it here (i kept forgetting =_=;;;) So these are
some emails Yuji and Masato exchange. This I guess you can consider as a prologue to Nicchan's "Boyfriend." (which I love!!)
So without any more interruptions: Enjoy.
Dear Masato,
Hi! How are you doing? I know I talked to you like an hour ago, but I have a small problem
troubling me. It may not be a huge deal or anything but I feel I should say something.
Lately, I've been hanging out with this certain someone a lot. He is very nice and very charming! I really enjoy his company! I don't mind that he sometimes flirts with me or others, because I didn't have feelings for him. My friends asked me If I liked him and I would answer "No". I didn't lie. Why should I lie about something like that to my friends whom I trust the most?
Anyway, as time passed I repeatedly told myself that he was just my friend and that is why he is such a wonderful person to me. Because we are just friends.
But one day, I went to hang out with him and after helping him out with some errands I realized something. The way he was so wonderful to me, what a gentleman he was, how amazing he was! I was so overwhelmed by this I felt my heart was going to explode! I realized that I, in fact, had feelings for this person.
However, I have the feeling it is not right to have these feelings for him because I might hurt what we already have. Also, what would my friends think if they found out I magically change my mind about this person?
I wish these feelings would go away. I feel so much pain when I'm with him.
Maa-tan, what should I do?
Ah short, I know. lol I wasn't really sure where I was getting at with this so then Nicchan suggested we do a collab Fic with this. However, I had no effing idea what to do with it xD Sorry Nicchan~
Lol Masato's responce is up next <3