May 15, 2007 12:29

This is the prompt claiming post for the Criminals Do It Illegally ficathon! Behind the cut are 67 prompts for 16 different crime-laden movies. There is something for everyone on this list.

Please claim your prompt in the comments by including the movie and the number.

Blues Brothers
  1. Everybody needs somebody to love (Someone to love) makesmewannadie
  2. "We're on a mission from God"
  3. Wee! Elwood and Jake wicked_socks
  4. Elwood plays the harmonica. But he wants to play the ---.
  5. Wee!Jake and Elwood, after lights out, discussing what they are going to do when they grow up, how they are going to change the world.

Boondock Saints
  1. The simplest way to achieve their short term goals is to get caught by their pursuer.

Catch Me If You Can
  1. Frank character piece re: his relationship w/ his dad:
    Dear Dad, you told me an honest man has no fear, so I'm trying hard not to be afraid.
  2. Outside looking in -- the cops chasing Frank and their experiences:
    Carl Hanratty: Well, would you like to hear me tell a joke?
    Earl Amdursky: Yeah. Yeah, we'd love to hear a joke from you.
    Carl Hanratty: Knock knock.
    Earl Amdursky: Who's there?
    Carl Hanratty: Go fuck yourselves.
  3. Frank and Carl, post-movie: They fight crime!

  1. Choco/Domino
  2. Choco and Ed, pre-Domino
  3. Young Domino
  4. Bounty-hunting, both on and off tv.

Gone in 60 Seconds
  1. Sway, before she went on the straight and narrow:
    Now I've got a mind full of wicked designs
    I've got a non-stop hole in my head imagination
  2. Memphis teaches Kip to drive/boost cars/pick up girls/fill in the blank:
    Adrenaline junkies enjoy engaging in activities that stimulate the adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing a broad spectrum of hormones which cause the stress response, also known as the fight-or-flight response. The effects include hyperarousal, increased blood flow, heightened pulse rate, and increased physical performance, which adrenaline junkies find an enjoyable and invigorating state of mind and body. (from the wiki entry)
  3. Any backstory for Sara 'Sway' Wayland; specifically, her teenage years. Maybe a "Five Things" story? Five guys she didn't sleep with? Five cars she didn't steal? iseult_variante

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
  1. Anything about Chris and Little Chris
  2. How the boys became friends. Or why Soap still hangs out with the other three criminals. Or, more adventures of the boys. queenofalostart
  3. How Winston and his crew started growing ganga. Or, how Winston formed his crew, and got hooked up with Rory Breaker.
  4. Eddy and Bacon, apartment hunting.

Love, Honour and Obey
  1. Wee!Jude and Wee!Jonny
  2. 5 songs Ray always sings at karaoke. Or, 5 songs Ray would never sing. (This would work for South London too. Or, actually, anybody.)
  3. Jude/Jonny, after they do the coke they stole from South London.

Lucky Number Slevin
  1. "Ataraxia" isn't a psychological disorder, it's a philosophical state of mind. Discuss. freneticfloetry
  2. Why didn't Goodkat kill Henry?
  3. "Kelevra is Hebrew. It means..." "Bad dog."
  4. Growing up with Goodkat. lanthano
  5. Training with Goodkat.
  6. The first time Slevin went on a job.

Ocean's Eleven (2001)
  1. Somebody wants Rusty dead, and has offered a lot of money to see it happen. Various parties are interested, but the FBI would rather he was taken alive. Danny has a plan. (A Smokin’ Aces style AU)
  2. Rusty. Danny. Incan matrimonial headmasks.
  3. Rusty, Danny, Reuben. The thing with the guy in Belize. janet_carter
  4. Rusty and Tess on the road to pick up Danny from prison ainsley
  5. Why is Rusty only suicidal in the morning?
  6. Rusty and Danny, just starting out: "Do you remember what we said back when we first got into this business. We said we were gonna play the game..." "Like we had nothing to lose."
  7. Rusty/Danny (or Rusty and Danny) - they had never been to Belize.

Ocean's Twelve
  1. Growing up in the Caldwell family
  2. The Night Fox vs. Terry Benedict
  3. How do Rusty and Danny know LeMarc? flyakate
  4. Tess and Isabel - fast friends or unwilling companions when Rusty and Danny go off on other jobs?
  5. When Danny gets woken up early and has however many espressos (5), and goes to Rusty's room... what they do to pass the time, aside from watching tv as is shown in the movie. starfishchick

Smokin' Aces
  1. Messner meets up with Hollis post-movie. They (angstily) fight crime (from way outside the system)!
  2. Sykes and Ivy, post-movie.
  3. Messner, Sykes, and Ivy, post-movie. He let them get away without any more trouble, but he's in trouble now.
  4. Post-movie, Messner goes after Acosta.

  1. Tommy's summer in a caravan. tenacitydrader
  2. Family reunions with Avi and Doug the Head.
  3. Anything Tommy/Turkish, or Tommy and Turkish.
  4. How Frankie lost his finger.

  1. Marty and Cosmo, when they first meet in college.
  2. Something Robin-Hood-y - based on Robin Hood stories, or cracked-out AU?
  3. The next caper.
  4. More backstory for anyone.
  5. The office Christmas party. darastar
  6. "No plan survives first contact."
  7. Either realizing halfway through that the original parameters or information were incorrect or realizing mid-project that they are working against the good fight.

The Italian Job (2003)
  1. How Charlie met John
  2. "I had a bad experience." (Left Ear's bad experience with dogs)
  3. Buying the blue and white minis (to go with Stella's red one).

The Sting
  1. Henry/Johnny, THE WHOLE DAMNED MOVIE.
  2. After the sting, when they can relax and stop playing their parts - who are these guys, really? marginalia

The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)
  1. Catherine's first impressions of Thomas, after observing him at the police station.
  2. Dancing at the Black and White Ball
  3. Thomas' next heist, with Catherine in tow (post-movie)
  4. Mike (the Denis Leary character) reflects on Catherine.
  5. Catherine's background. (Isn't she some kind of wealthy widow, divorcee, or similar?)
  6. This clearly isn't Thomas's first crime - what was? (Or, 'Five Times Thomas Crown Didn't Get Caught'.)

Prompt claiming is open until Tuesday, May 22 Thursday, May 31! Fics are due Wednesday, August 1. So, go and have fun doing things illegally this summer!

And, as always, questions or comments about this challenge can be left here, or directed to minervacat at

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