The Movie Meme, gakked from the lovely fantasyenabler who, evidently, is enabling me to waste time tonight. Thank ya kindly, FE. :D
1.Name a movie that you have seen more than 10 times: Gladiator
2. Name a movie that you've seen multiple times in the theater: Raiders of the Lost Ark
3. Name an actor who would make you more inclined to see a movie:
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Comments 8
"Whan that Aprile with his shoures soote,
ladeeodle, ladeeodle lay hee hay,
The droughte of March hath perced to the roote,
ladeeodle ladeeodle, lay..."
Ah the merits of a liberal arts education.
Anytime. You know that I am all about the enabling. ;)
The Aristocats
Dude! (Yes, I do have random CA flashbacks...) I love this movie. I own this movie. I am right now humming "Scales and Arpeggios." Disney seriously owns my soul.
*sigh* I just had this conversation yesterday with my sister about how we're just big kids. I play on swingsets. She loves bouncy castles.
The Ref
I can't believe I forgot this one. It began mine and The Husband's love for Denis Leery. I almost got him the Rescue Me DVDs for his birthday, but during one of our phone discussions, we both agreed that the last season was spectacularly lame.
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Ah, good memories.
*Fangirls out a bit. May be awhile.*
*Random Yay*
I did go all fangirl squealy when Eddie Izzard showed up in Oceans 13 though. :D
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