Title: The Difference Between Night and Dark
Author: Dodger Winslow
Bat out of Kansas FicathonPrompt: When the day is done, and the sun goes down, and the moonlight shines through; then like a sinner before the gates of heaven, I’ll come crawling back to you.
Word Count: 5,500
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG-13 for language
Spoilers: No Exit
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Comments 48
Phrase that wins cookies: "I know you don’t. But you are. You did it to yourself, to me, to Bill. You made us a family by needing us. We made you our family by being there."
For me, this is what brings the fic together, like the centre where a web meets. But that's just me.
And I love this line: Dean’s mutinies were always small. They worked better that way, were more effective at getting him what he wanted than big stands on important issues would have been.
So Dean!
Very, very nice!
I don't think Sam ever figured that out, but I suspect Dean had it locked down by the time he was 10.
On the subject of John and Ellen ... heh. You're gonna like what I'm writing for the Secrets ficathon. :D
How adult, how deeply ingrained the grief, how strong both Ellen and John are, though John's is the strength of iron, that knows to bend at all will be to shatter.
Beautifully done.
"Not about what she’d want," John said. "Or about what you and Sam might want. It’s about what I want. Now hand me the remote. There’s got to be something worth watching on one of two hundred odd stations."
This part, right here, just killed me.
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