SPN Fic: Shine (Crack!Fic)

Jul 21, 2006 13:20

All right. Blame my supportive f*list for encouraging me to put this to post.I have no idea where this came from, it just kinda showed up in bright pink tennis shoes and demanded to be told before it would let me get back to polishing the lynching story. So I guess I'm going to tell it.

Crack!fic  Crack!fic  Crack!fic  Crack!fic  Crack!fic

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spn fic, john, post-series, fic: the shine, chart: psych_30, chart: paranormal_100

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Comments 32

embroiderama July 21 2006, 21:59:49 UTC
Oh, man, freaky! And hot! And cracked! I've got to go back and read that again...


dodger_winslow July 21 2006, 22:42:54 UTC

Kind of a WTF? thing isn't it?

How close did you follow, or was I too much in my head in the way I played my cards?


embroiderama July 21 2006, 23:18:45 UTC
Well, honestly I'm not 100% sure that I got everything correctly, but it was a process of, "Whoa, is she some kind of? What's up with him? Is he? Oh cool!"


dodger_winslow July 22 2006, 00:21:04 UTC
LOL. Yup, that's pretty much the sum of it. :D


eloise_bright July 22 2006, 01:36:09 UTC

The crack is strong in this one. *g*

I love the idea of John as hunter as a default. I'm not too sure exactly what the Shine was, and I admit to being a bit worried for the poor woman when her eyes rolled back like that. But the passion was there, and I loved the violence of the language you used:

The aboriginal moans whispering through her as he bent himself to the task of fucking her well fucked were older than time itself. The primal nature of them lit his bones to fire, driving him to such a primitive place himself that when he saw her eyes turn, when he saw the shine and recognized it for what it was, he was too far gone, too far over the edge of the known universe to pull them back, even if he’d wanted to, which he didn’t.

I almost wanted to have a cigarette after reading this. And I don't smoke. *g*


dodger_winslow July 22 2006, 06:38:21 UTC
LOL. That's where I was trying to go. Have no idea where a sex story for John came up, but it did. Whoda thunk? (I imagine he appreciates it though ... he doesn't really get much action, does he?).

Interesting your thoughts on the Shine. Take a gander at the Rosetta stone post and see how it changes what you think, will you? Thanks!


dotfic July 22 2006, 02:22:23 UTC
This one is going to stay with me a while. This is memorable, and strong; it sort of burns on the way down in the good way. Very very John-esque, and sexy. You put words together so well, there were a few paragraphs in this where I just slowed down and stared for a bit.

Like this one: There are no hard and fast rules about these things. Being a hunter is always a matter of discretion. Who lives and who dies is a judgement call you make simply by who you pursue and who you let go. As much as beauty, as much as love, what constitutes good and what constitutes evil is purely in the eye of the beholder.

I am also completely perplexed. 'Splain? Where is the crack? Am I missing something? Who is this woman?


dodger_winslow July 22 2006, 06:41:16 UTC
it sort of burns on the way down in the good way.

Ooooo. I LOVE this description. Thanks so much ... that's exactly the way I would like it to feel.

On the 'splaining the crack ... seems I've thrown most everyone on where exactly I was going. To that end, I've posted 2 posts to try and clarify things a bit. The Rosetta post is just a two liner "key" to see if a clue will start the domino effect I was going for. If not, the DeCoded one goes into extensive detail about what, where is intended to be taken how ... and I'd LOVE your feedback (when you have the time) on where it missed hitting the things it was intended to hit.



almond_tiger July 22 2006, 03:47:09 UTC
I'm lame, but... what's a cracked fic?


dodger_winslow July 22 2006, 06:43:21 UTC
Not lame at all. Crack!Fic is a piece of fiction that makes people want to say, "What kind of crack were you ON when you wrote that?!?" Which I kinda felt this one did. :D

Unfortunately, it also seems to have really thrown most people far afield of where I was looking to take them. To that end, I've posted 2 explanatory posts under cuts to help clarify what I was attempting, and to solicit feedback on where I got off the road I was looking to travel.

I'd love your thoughts when you get the time. Thanks.


almond_tiger July 22 2006, 17:04:43 UTC
Gotcha. :)


bluesister July 22 2006, 07:45:09 UTC
Okay, I read the Rosetta Stone but not Decoded. Parts that jumped out at this second reading:

Somewhere along the line, she said, the hunters became the hunted. He nodded, knowing exactly what she meant, because that was pretty much the way it always played in the end.

We're used to the hunters being hunted. But his experience with "the end" has me wondering when John was turned. It sounds like it was post-Mary's death but that wouldn't explain the next quote. And I guess I have something in my head about vampires being able to recognize each other. I shouldn't assume such a thing.

That was the way it always worked, when men like him fell for women like Mary. Her humanity was their humanity; her heart was their heart. They inherited everything from her, and very little from him except his capacity for spilling blood, and perhaps his ability to see things in the dark that others didn’t know were there.

This and the bit about Mary's death giving him an excuse to pass off bloodlust for righteousness are good clues.

He had a bowie ( ... )


dodger_winslow July 23 2006, 04:24:56 UTC
There's so much lore out there about vampires and werewolves that it is hard to separate out what we've been told by SPN and what we know by other sources, isn't it?

My take on the SPN vamps is what John said in Dead Man's Blood: Most of the vampire myth out there is crap.

Which opens up a whole bunch of opportunities, and utterly invalidates any limitations other vampires have if you don't want the SPN ones to have it. Until, of course, they clarify exactly what ISN'T crap about the SPN ones.

The reader still sees John's isolation clearly.

And really, this story is all about John's isolation, and his unwillingness to end it for fear he will suffer the same loss again if he risks being anything other than alone. I tried to hit that again and again to make it clear this was the core of the story: That John thinks being alone is the only way he can live, but in being alone, he isn't living, he's just existing.


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