Ban On Movies Involving Singing Hookers.

Aug 01, 2012 15:51

I know you are all looking at my subject line and thinking, a) “What douchehole congressman put that bill up?” and b) “But I want to watch movies with singing hookers ( Read more... )

writing blahblahblahing, the bff is my bestest best friend, movie blahblahblahing, brainzzzz, wee!sammy, david boreanaz has dorkitude, i got burned, vacation - all i ever wanted, real life, dream in which..., do you like waffles, icons are shiny, books ah books

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Comments 11

vikingprincess August 2 2012, 00:05:07 UTC
What a fantastic weekend! Oh, hey, did you see the Zombies in New York video? I'm pretty sure it's an AMC gimmick (that final zombie will sell you on my theory I am sure), but it was hilarious. I'll see if I can find the link again.

Also, I would totally read a Supernatural Snippets of Summer 'Verse from you. But you already knew that.

There has been no writing here for over two weeks. Boo!

Video link:


dodger_sister August 6 2012, 19:48:29 UTC
It was a really good weekend. Just the nice relaxing thing we all needed.

Omg, that Zombie vid! Awesome. The guy at the hot dog stand! I loved the screaming woman who likes jumps and then runs away. lol And oh yeah that was a jab at DirectTV so it was definitely an AMC gimmick. They did something like this once before the show had started up - my sister has a friend in NY who told her, "I swear I saw a zombie on the subway today."

Also, I would totally read a Supernatural Snippets of Summer 'Verse from you. But you already knew that.

Cuz you'll read anything I write? Awwwww. :) I am just not sure what to do with the story now. It is 1,200 words of Dean checking out the cabin and the lake. The only thing I could think was that it wasn't a full story, that it felt like the set-up for something bigger. But then I realized I had no idea what exactly.

There has been no writing here for over two weeks. Boo!Oh no. /pats your back/ You know it is just stress about knowing you had to go back to work - you had such a bad ( ... )


vikingprincess August 6 2012, 23:38:34 UTC
GIVE ME DEAN WRITING PUCK BEING AWESOME. And also a dick. As Puck sometimes does. As well as Dean. Actually, I bet Dean's REAL favorite character is Brittany. Because she's hot and superficially dumb and very wise underneath. Like him. Especially after the double Brittany episode.

I said it a second ago, I'll say it again. "GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR PUCKING!" See? SO much dirtier than stuff with sucking and juices.

Although, I did get three lovely prompts from three f-listers last week, which turned into fun drabbles. One has TMNT in it. You should go straight to my journal and read them there, because I bet they are totally buried on your list. *pokes you* g'wan, you know you want to!


dodger_sister August 7 2012, 02:20:43 UTC
I saw the TMNT/Sex in the City thing and I thought I should go to sleep because I was seeing things. That was real then? Huh.

Mostly I was just like, "The Black Donnellys mother-fucker!!" I like, okay, I jumped out of my chair when I saw that. Like my brain forgot that it is physically a bad idea for me to jump out of my chair like I just got electro-shocked but baby, oh oh ohohohoh - that fucking show owned me! I miss those boys like burning. Man, if that show had stayed on the air, with all the incestuous yummy boys, there would be such a killer fandom for that shit.


ceitfianna August 2 2012, 02:20:36 UTC
I would read little snippets of a summer. I adore fics that are moments even if there's not a lot of plot. My chess fic didn't have that much plot.

The place sounds great, I'm glad its being a wonderful break.


dodger_sister August 6 2012, 19:58:04 UTC
Your icon is perfectly appropriate for this post. :)

I would read little snippets of a summer. I adore fics that are moments even if there's not a lot of plot. My chess fic didn't have that much plot.

Thank you. I actually thought about your chess fic when I was wondering what to do with this story! I thought about how much I enjoyed that fic and how I should take an example from you on that. Sometimes the introspective of something is enough of a plot.

The place sounds great, I'm glad its being a wonderful break.

It really was wonderful and such a cute little cabin we were at too. <3


matchboximpala August 31 2012, 01:21:08 UTC
That sounds like an amazing weekend and, except for the burn and zombie dreams, very relaxing.


dodger_sister September 1 2012, 03:05:27 UTC
That sounds like an amazing weekend and, except for the burn and zombie dreams, very relaxing.

I get used to the zombies dream, after awhile. I did have a dream with Christian Kane that weeknd as well, so there was that. (Zombies and Christian most frequently dreamed about subjects).

The burn never peeled. In fact, it turned into a tan and I can still see the lines on my legs and arms from it, a month later. I should learn the term 'sunscreen'.

It was an amazing weekend indeed. I keep meaning to put up some picures of the lake and then other stuff happens and I forget! I'll try to do that this week.


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