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Comments 1

menel July 10 2010, 17:06:53 UTC
What a mighty, mighty fic list!

And congratulations on finishing the epic project! It explains why you dropped off the grid so suddenly. And just as suddenly popped up again. *g*

That's the long way of saying that it's great to have you back. (And no, I won't get all sappy and mention how much I missed you. No way!) It's also reminded me that I still have quite a few replies I owe you (including an email!) that have somehow gotten waylaid now that I'm back at work. Work has a way of sucking up time and energy, but you know all about that. Gotta improve those time management skills. *nods*

When you eventually get your mighty, mighty fic list posted (um, not the list per se but the actual fics - it's nearly 1am and the brain is fried), I'm interested in Sam and Dean go hunting with Santa Claus (that sounds like pure Dodger crack!), the Wincest twincest priest-sex curse-sex porn (too twisted not to give it a shot), Sam and Dean in outer space (more crack! But it's sci-fi crack! *cackle*) and Dean writing Glee fic '('cos that's ( ... )


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