Ficage In March.

Apr 15, 2012 21:35

Well, halfway through the month and I finally get around to posting this. My word count for last month! The lowest yet this year, but still more than double my ‘500 words a week’ goal - considering I had The Tilting Virus all month, I am quite happy with this ( Read more... )

without a criminal bones: svu, spn love, j2's big epic gay love, fic count total, district 12, writing blahblahblahing, danny/martin - special agent boyfriends, leverage - the a-team 2.0, birthdays, the cousin, friends 4evah, firefly - serenity is my home, castiel - angel of rock, cw rps is a sickness plague, john winchester can be my daddy, jeffrey dean morgan impregnates us all, dirty old lady, word count total

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Comments 21

vikingprincess April 16 2012, 01:59:46 UTC
Go you! I'm about to go to bed before a VERY long week (three twelve hour days, two sixteen hour days, two dinners with my dad, husband out of town, school play, and all of that doesn't even count schoolwork done at home), but I FINISHED SOMETHING! :)

Also, I'm about to post my word count for the week. Hopefully I will be able to read your pieces (if I haven't already) tomorrow evening.


dodger_sister April 16 2012, 19:39:37 UTC
Thanks, babe!

three twelve hour days, two sixteen hour days, two dinners with my dad, husband out of town, school play, and all of that doesn't even count schoolwork done at home

OMG. WTF. Um, good luck with all that.


YAY! I am like a week and a half behind on LJ but I can't wait to get to whatever it is (wait...have you posted it yet?)

Hopefully I will be able to read your pieces (if I haven't already) tomorrow evening.

I see I got a comment from you already! I really don't expect people to read my older fics when I put these up - I just like to look back at where I was a year ago. I know for sure you read my Firefly/Supernatural fic as you are the first comment I got on it! (now when we get to May and I go back to where I was in 2010 when I first got my LJ, there might be some fics you've never seen before).


vikingprincess April 17 2012, 00:13:29 UTC
It's the Avengers/Bond Fusion, and YES, it is posted. And also melancholy.

But I WANT to read them. :D


lizibabes April 16 2012, 19:31:10 UTC
I'll read your Leverage and Hunger Games stuff :D

Condidering the tilting virus and all the suckage that went with that I think you did a great job meeting your goal :)

I keep meaning to do a monthly word count post, but it's a goal I keep falling short of.

Also Jensen/JDM? Reading that :D


dodger_sister April 16 2012, 20:02:13 UTC
Thanks, babe! I was actually surprised that I even made my goal last month, let alone passed it - considering what a bad month I had. I think it was the inspiration of two new fandoms that had me writing so much even though I felt bad. New fandoms are so much fun!

I keep meaning to do a monthly word count post, but it's a goal I keep falling short of.

That's why I only gave myself '500 words a week' as a goal - I tried in the past to do more and I would fall off and then get discouraged. 500 words a week is roughly 'one hour a week' of writing. Just to keep the juices flowing.

Also Jensen/JDM? Reading that :D

I have a feeling that will be the general reaction. ;) But I have to finish it first! (now I have the urge to go finish it - but I have to do birthday fics - oh no, decisions!)


lizibabes April 17 2012, 19:35:41 UTC
it's not the world count it's self I have a problem with, but keeping track lol I think I've written quite a lot recently...just a bit.

Am I a bad influnce if I say write Jensen/JDM? That's a pairingthere needs to be more of :)


dodger_sister April 18 2012, 00:59:41 UTC
it's not the world count it's self I have a problem with, but keeping track lol I think I've written quite a lot recently...just a bit.

Hahaha Yeah, because you post like 5 or 6 fics a week - you are right, your word count is doing just fine. :) I have a much smaller word count, so it is easier to keep track of.

Am I a bad influnce if I say write Jensen/JDM? That's a pairingthere needs to be more of :)

You are a terrible enabler! I want to - I am inspired to - but I have a list and now The Nephew wants a new fic for his birthday too! They just keep adding up. I'll get back to the JDM/Jensen porn though - I will.


ranua April 18 2012, 11:04:24 UTC
Go you for meeting and exceeding your goals! *\o/*

All your talk of Hunger Games has me looking at the books every time I'm in the store and if you're going to be writing it I suppose that's good enough reason to give in and buy the books. Gotta know the source material for new fanfic don't ya know. :)

Also woohoo! you're writing Leverage! Looking forward to that and JDM/Jensen is smoking can't wait to read your contribution to the pretty. (I've got a JDM/CK/SC thing I'm trying to write, but the muses have been absent lately)


dodger_sister April 20 2012, 01:24:22 UTC
You should totally read the Hunger Games! The Boy should too - he'd really like them. But be forewarned, they will consume you. Once you start you won't want to stop until all three are finished. And it is hardcore and angst-ridden but oh...I would be so happy if we could talk all things Hunger Games.

I have two HG fics ready to post, just need to find the time.

I knew you'd be excited about my Leverage fics! I have three solid story ideas but I of course decided to start with the one that will be shorter because the other two are epic and idk if I will be able to stick with something that long. We'll see. One of my ideas is an alien apocalypse vs Leverage fic.

(I've got a JDM/CK/SC thing

OH, I WANT THAT!! Omg, do I want that, baby.


ranua April 26 2012, 01:15:00 UTC
I'll most likely be picking up Hunger Games to read over vacation this coming weekend. The first book at any rate. I'll be sure to aim any squee your way *vbg*

Sticking with the long stories is hard. Either my enthusiasm for the story dries up or I run out of idea before I get to the end. Good luck to you if you decide to do one of the longer ideas.

The JDM/SC/CK is second on my list of fics to finish before the next BB. The Steve crack fic is first and nearing completion and then on to the porn!


wolfrider89 April 18 2012, 20:18:58 UTC
Lots of writing! I like!

Now I'm even more motivated to finish the Hunger Games books, so I can know what you're talking about. :P


dodger_sister April 19 2012, 01:00:20 UTC
I love that Misha is giving my word count the 'thumbs up'! ;)

Finish The Hunger Games!! You should not have tried to read them when you are so knee-deep in Sherlock - it is distracting you. I can't imagine why. ;)

I don't know how you haven't just neglected your whole life for those books though - I did. Stayed up way too late for weeks just to read those damn books. But hell yes, you should finish them so you can read my fic. I need to get on posting some of it.


wolfrider89 April 19 2012, 17:30:55 UTC
It's my "Misha approves" icon. :)

Yes ma'am! And yes, Sherlock is VERY distracting. School isn't helping, either. :P

I kind of did when I read the first book, and that could be the reason why I haven't started the second one yet... I just haven't gotten the time to be that absorbed. :P I also dread the angst. I know there's gonna be angst. *bites nails*


dodger_sister April 24 2012, 01:46:59 UTC
I knew that the 2nd and 3rd Hunger Games books went right into each other and that once I started #2, I would have to keep reading until I finshed #3. So I actually had several months in between reading book 1 and 2. I was so upset reading the first one, I didn't know how I could handle two in a row. But oh honey, #2 and #3 are so much more angsty and horrifying than the first one - you can't even be prepared for it.


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