Fic: The Best Valentine's Day Ever - PG, Dean/Cas + Various Cameos, AU, Fluff, Romance, Weechesters

Feb 19, 2012 17:15

My Valentine's Day fic! Hey, I am pretty happy with the fact that I am getting this up less than a week since Valentine's Day occurred. This is a record for me. This story was seriously suppose to be 1,200 words but somehow I kept adding more and more scenes until it was over 4,000 words. I can't remember the last time I broke 4,000 words. ( Read more... )

written - 2012, character - john winchester, fic - alternate universe, fic - holiday, rating - pg, fic - fluff/schmoop, fic - romance, character - dean winchester, valentine's day has candy, friends 4evah, character - castiel the angel, word count - 3001 to 6000, character - sam winchester, character - bobby singer, pair - dean/castiel, character - charlie mulvaney, fiction - mine, fic - wee!chesters, fandom - supernatural

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Comments 43

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dodger_sister February 23 2012, 23:10:33 UTC
Thank you, darling!! I don't think Dean even knew he wanted to kiss Cas until right in that moment. I loved writing shy-Cas so much!


vikingprincess February 20 2012, 00:15:20 UTC
This is completely, utterly adorable.


dodger_sister February 23 2012, 23:10:57 UTC
Thanks, babe! <3 <3


rockstarpeach February 20 2012, 00:15:24 UTC

Cas was so sweet and Sam was so cute and I love how Dean had no idea who he actually wanted to be his girlfriend, just that he probably needed some of that action :)

And when he asked John about gay sex? *dies* That was brilliant!


dodger_sister February 23 2012, 23:13:45 UTC
Thanks, darling! I feel all warm and blushy now.

I love how Dean had no idea who he actually wanted to be his girlfriend, just that he probably needed some of that action

lol Well, he may be twelve, but he is still Dean Winchester. ;)

And when he asked John about gay sex? *dies* That was brilliant!

Thanks - I kind of love that little bit myself, especially since it happened naturally while I was writing without me knowing Dean was going to do it.


blue_fjords February 20 2012, 01:12:45 UTC
That was so adorably sweet! I wanted to smish Castiel, little muffin. And John's interactions w/ Dean were priceless. *hugs you*


dodger_sister February 23 2012, 23:18:16 UTC
Thanks, babe!! I had so much fun writing this, glad you liked it.

I wanted to smish Castiel, little muffin

Awww, now I want to call Castiel 'little muffin'.


denig37 February 20 2012, 01:25:47 UTC
Awwwwwwww *is googly eyed* :-D


dodger_sister February 23 2012, 23:18:42 UTC
Thanks, darling!! Glad you liked it! <3


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