Fic: Where The Sidewalk Ends - Comedy Central RPF, PG-13, Angst, Drama, Gen, Jon & Stephen

Oct 30, 2011 16:42

I wrote Halloween fic! Well, it's about the zombie apocalypse - that counts as Halloween fic, right? It's Comedy Central RPF. Idek, you peoples. I have now written more Comedy Central RPS than I have "Ed" fic. More than I have "Glee" fic. As much as I have "Harry Potter" fic. As much as I have "Kyle XY" fic. It's becoming like a real fandom ( Read more... )

rating - pg-13, character - aasif mandvi, sister oh sister, warning - death, word count - 501 to 1000, fic - altered reality, halloween is my fav holiday, the bff is my bestest best friend, brainzzzz, written - 2011, fic - angst, fic - drama, character - rob riggle, character - stephen colbert, fic - general, fandom - comedy central rpf, fiction - mine, character - jon stewart

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Comments 17

fragrantwoods October 30 2011, 21:16:38 UTC
Oh, my, yes :-) I want to see that broadcast. Or read about it. Thanks for the Halloween treat of Daily Report Zombies!


dodger_sister November 4 2011, 02:49:30 UTC
Thanks! I'd like to think that people everywhere survive the dark times (trapped in their basements and such) by watching/listening to The Daily Report. ;)


vikingprincess October 30 2011, 22:20:45 UTC
"The Last Day," huh? Depressing....

Have you been keeping up with Walking Dead this season?


dodger_sister November 4 2011, 02:50:50 UTC
I know, it was so dark and grim for a Comedy Central RPF fic!

I have been keeping up with The Walking Dead. You may or may not have noticed a tiny little something in this fic that was stolen from TWD.


vikingprincess November 4 2011, 11:27:37 UTC
Erm. I did not, the first time through; clearly, I should re-read! (Perhaps tonight when I have more time - work is beckoning and will compell me to get off of here in about ten minutes, max.)


vikingprincess November 4 2011, 11:29:35 UTC
heh, it had been a while; I had forgotten what the fic was. so many parts could have been TWD inspired, but I'm guessing it was the screaming and being dragged away, as at the CDC?


elora_corrass October 30 2011, 23:56:14 UTC
Just excellent! I was sad it was so short though...(hinthint)


dodger_sister November 4 2011, 02:52:45 UTC
Thanks!! Yeah, on The Never-Ending List of Things to Write is the prequel for this story - the slow realization that Jon comes to that the jokes he is making about zombies being real might not be that funny after all.

Thanks for the love!


ranua October 31 2011, 11:16:52 UTC
I barely even know who these people are, but you've done a fine job as far as I can tell. It's an excellent Halloween fic. :) Also, a good apocalypse fic, just the right amount of horror mixed with hope. A perfect example of the human condition right there.


dodger_sister November 4 2011, 02:56:02 UTC
At first I was all shocked that you are not a Daily Show fan, but then I remembered how crazy busy your days are and how limited your TV time is. Still, you and The Boy should be watching The Daily Show - it's the only place I would let my non-existent teenager get his daily news. /hinthint, I think Jon is the best thing ever!/

I am like beyond thrilled that you only vaguely know these people and yet you enjoyed this fic! You don't even know how much that strokes my ego.

just the right amount of horror mixed with hope. A perfect example of the human condition right there.

I'm just like full of incredibly stupid smiles now. Thanks, babe!


sailorptah November 1 2011, 05:24:47 UTC
Lovely little snapshot, for all that it's a tragedy. You got the fragmented bits of normality still lying around in the wake of the apocalypse.


dodger_sister November 4 2011, 02:57:09 UTC
You got the fragmented bits of normality still lying around in the wake of the apocalypse.

Wow. Thank you. Seriously. That is an incredibly wonderful thing to hear.


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