Fic Recs for Anti-Bullying Month!

Oct 27, 2011 16:32

It is Anti-Bullying Month. I wanted to write something from "The Faculty" fandom for this - a) I dipped like one toe in that fandom years back, b) I have been having the urge to write in that fandom again recently, and c) Casey is a good character to use for an anti-bullying fic - his ability to know which battles to fight (say for instance ones ( Read more... )

writing blahblahblahing, dean/cas epic heavenly love, friends 4evah, fic rec, brainzzzz, spn love, fan-fic gets it right, j2's big epic gay love, cw rps is a sickness plague, pimping is a good life choice, chad michael murray is my douchebag, the faculty - weigh it

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Comments 6

rhymephile October 27 2011, 22:44:31 UTC
Awww, shut up, I love you! ♥ Also, I feel awkward responding to your rec, lest I sound like I'm all full of myself. :/

There is a lot of me in Castiel's depiction here, as far as feeling helpless, and angry, and at a loss of what to do. It eats at your insides and, at least in my case, it completely warps who you grow up to be. Constantly being on the outside looking in changes something inside you, too.

It's interesting how you recognized how when someone is being nice to you, you think it's a trick. I didn't intend that to come through in my story, but I think some of me must have come through in that case. I swear I *still* feel that way *all* the time in social situations. I have serious trust issues, all of which stem from all the shit I went through in school.

Annnyway, I didn't intend for this to be so depressing, LOL. I'm touched that something I wrote affected you so deeply, and I'm glad we met, too. I'm pretty sure you rule more than I do for writing this, though. :-)


dodger_sister October 29 2011, 21:55:37 UTC
Awwww, I love you too!

Also, I feel awkward responding to your rec, lest I sound like I'm all full of myself.

I know that feeling too - but I always try to think of it like replying to a comment on a fic. I sound like a dirty hippie in the middle of a lovefest, but writers love readers as much as readers love writers.

It's interesting how you recognized how when someone is being nice to you, you think it's a trick.

There are two specific moments that stand out in my head; the first time Dean approaches Cas and Cas thinks it is a trick, that Dean is in it with Alastair. And later when Cas asks Dean if they can be friends and Dean is so shocked by this, because he thought they already were friends.

In my school days, there was this one boy that ever stuck up for me, that ever asked me how things were going. I was so full of trust issues at the time that I didn't realize that we were friends. Reading your fic really brought that back into my head ( ... )


rhymephile October 30 2011, 04:48:16 UTC
We are both awesome! Empowering hugs all around! :-)


wolfrider89 November 2 2011, 20:38:50 UTC
I was wondering if I'd read the fic by rhymephile (I have of course read aythia's, and it is just as awesome as you say. ;)) but I don't think I have. Gonna add it to my list now, cause it seems awesome. Thanks bb! :)


dodger_sister November 5 2011, 00:41:54 UTC
Oh yes, I can't believe I hadn't recced rhymephile's fic to you before - as a Dean/Cas girl and a fan of HS AUs, it is right up your alley. Enjoy!


wolfrider89 November 5 2011, 10:42:04 UTC
Thank you! I'm sure I will. :)


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