Have many things to say. Just got ridiculously tired all of a sudden. Will have to say things tomorrow. Going to crawl into bed and watch the extended edition of Independence Day - (no, no, peoples who know me and my comfort movies - it wasn't a bad day, just a long one with lots of family and getting up ridiculously early - plus someone on my
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Comments 19
Easter wasn't bad persay, but I had to get up way earlier than my normal time and really, my family is just loud and there are lots of us. It can be exhausting. Plus, they all scavanged all the leftovers! Damn.
I did get many hugs from The Nephew. He was very clingy, I think because there were a lot of people he didn't know. Plus it was early for him too, so he was all sleepy and huggy, it was sweet. Then he started pimping out to me what he wants for his birthday next month. Too bad for him, his present is already bought. ;)
I relaxed later with some Flight of the Conchords after the house was empty again.
Hope your Easter was good!
My Easter was quiet, I was finishing a paper and wrapping up my semester.
Family can be good at being tiring especially if everyone is doing things. Mine's that way and I love them but sometimes I just sneak away.
Hope you had a good weekend even with copious amounts of family and having to get out of bed early. (I got to sleep in *g*)
Well, I got to see The Nephew and The Guy Cousin - I talked about The Last Airbender with both of them. One is four, the other is 34. Oddly similar conversations though. ;)
(I got to sleep in *g*)
Well, I get to sleep in all the rest of the week, while you have to deal with Dispatch, who isn't even as cool as Steve-the-Dispatch-Guy, so...shut it. Actually, now I feel bad for you. :(
Hope your weekend had mostly good bits regardless :)
My weekend was actually pretty good. My family just has a lot of people in it, so it can be tiring - but the kids all looked for eggs and there was good food and after they all left, I watched some Flight of the Conchords. Pretty good day, I say. :)
I would agree :)
Haha, the first thing I thought of when you said there was good food after everyone left, was the epic amounts of leftovers we had as well. :D
There was pie leftover though. I like pie. :)
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