Fic: At The End Of A Brick Street - PG, Dean & Gabriel, Angst, Friendship, Gen

Feb 18, 2011 03:03

So, a little angsty for a birthday fic, but menel is The Reigning Champion of Angst Fic - ya' go.

Beta'd by the lovely, liptonrm - thanks, babe!

PG, Gen, Angst, Friendship, Dean & Gabriel, set during the 'missing year' between seasons five and six. 2,713 words.

Header Info )

character - dean winchester, word count - 1001 to 3000, birthdays, friends 4evah, written - 2011, fic - angst, fic - general, rating - pg, fic - friendship, fiction - mine, character - gabriel, fandom - supernatural

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Comments 15

menel February 18 2011, 10:08:41 UTC
I am SO PSYCHED that I get to be the first person to comment on this! And not just because this is my birthday fic!

I am immensely in love with this story! You, you . . . have left me speechless!

*takes a deep breath*

Let me try and gather my thoughts.

Right. So as I was saying, I'm immensely in love with this! Like everything about this. Of course, there's the central relationship between Dean and Gabriel that was gorgeously depicted. Their voices were so in-character. I love that it was Gabriel (of all people - and yet it does make sense to me) that would help Dean through this painful transition period. I loved the device of the cinema and all the references that you seamlessly and organically worked in. (That's basically my love of film that you're directly talking to!) Yes, even the Goober reference. There was major squee at the Gondor vs. Roham question. (Of course, Dean would be Gondor, but the winning line was, "But Riders of Rohan have horses. Horses, Dean." Oh my god, we have so come full circle ( ... )


dodger_sister February 22 2011, 04:56:57 UTC
You say the nicest things. You know, I had Dean in the theater and wasn't sure where this was going, until Gabriel suddenly showed up and I knew I had this story.

I love all the things you understood about this fic - Dean working through from his old life to his new life and how the cinema and movies is something that both Dean and Gabriel would use as a device for this and as something they have in common, and his adjustment to his suburbun lifestyle (the postage stamps) and Dean's routine (as someone who has recently made huge life changes, routine is everything) - the way you understood all of the ways these little things add up to make the transition for Dean ( ... )


menel February 28 2011, 16:51:23 UTC
You know, I had Dean in the theater and wasn't sure where this was going, until Gabriel suddenly showed up and I knew I had this story.

I LOVE how the writing process works in its mysterious ways, especially that moment when you just know. :-)

I love all the things you understood about this fic

Thanks, babe. There was a lot to understand. The layers in this fic are simply gorgeous. After all this time, I don't know whether you consider yourself to be a Dean!girl (whereas I unabashedly announce it to the world!), but you certainly have a fine grasp of his character. I felt like I was in his head the whole time.

And I had to throw in the LotR reference - I think we had that argument once, didn't we?

LOL! You were Gondor and I was Rohan, right? That's what I meant about coming full circle. I think you even used my line on me!

Ha, you can't beta your own birthday fic!LOL! I know. *g* When I first read this fic (because I've obviously read it a couple more time since then), my instinct was to push for the kiss. (I'm Dean/Gabriel ( ... )


dodger_sister March 1 2011, 06:35:53 UTC
I LOVE how the writing process works in its mysterious ways, especially that moment when you just know. :-)

Me too!!

After all this time, I don't know whether you consider yourself to be a Dean!girl (whereas I unabashedly announce it to the world!), but you certainly have a fine grasp of his character. I felt like I was in his head the whole time. Well, this depends on what you mean by this. As far as writing, I pretty much will write anyone. John is my dirty one night stand of hotness. Ellen is totally my girlfriend of hotness. Boyfriends = Ash and Andy! Character I think I maybe love the mostest = Castiel! Person I relate to most (and therefore probably write the best) is Dean. I mean, I AM DEAN. The attitude, the snark, the flirty, the clothes, the hidden pain inside, the my family drives me crazy but I am codependant, the basically raising of my little brother. This is also why I like Sam so much - the fondness for the little brother and also he is a lot like my sister. Does this make me a Dean!Girl? The more I ( ... )


vikingprincess February 18 2011, 12:14:10 UTC
This is just wonderful. I'm totally making it part of my personal canon.


dodger_sister February 22 2011, 04:47:42 UTC
I'm totally making it part of my personal canon.

Yay! I like making people work my fic into their personal canons! I wanted to work it so that no matter what happens with Gabriel in the future, this would work with canon. This totally happened, right? ;) Thanks!


ranua February 19 2011, 01:38:07 UTC
wow. I don't know if I have the words for an articulate review. Dean's emotions were a punch in the gut. And Gabriel being there for him. Just wow. And the end, *sighs* so good. Thank you.


dodger_sister February 22 2011, 04:42:17 UTC
Thanks, bb. Dean's emotions were a punch in the gut. Really? That makes me so happy. lol I'm glad you liked the end too, it wasn't quite the perfect happy ending but it was what Dean got, and it wasn't bad. You always say the nicest things. :) Thank you.


(The comment has been removed)

dodger_sister February 22 2011, 04:40:18 UTC
Thank you! Glad you liked it. :)


futbol16_4 February 20 2011, 06:23:55 UTC
Yeah, crying right now. Loved it!


dodger_sister February 22 2011, 04:39:46 UTC
Sorry to make you cry, but so glad you loved it! I don't think I've ever made anyone cry before. Is it wrong that makes me happy? :)


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