This Is A Story Of Friends (but not the tv show)

Feb 17, 2011 23:57

Despite the icon, this is not about the TV show "Friends" - though I love that show and oddly it is on my TV right now! (I needed a break from the background noise of Criminal Minds).

No, this is a story about how I found a friend, and then found her again.

A few weeks ago was menel's birthday and I thought I would share the story of how we met.

The internet really does bring people together, again and again. )

birthdays, friends 4evah, legolas is the prettiest, lord of the rings took my virginity, fandom saved my life, boromir is my captain, fandom is made of awesome, real life, emotional waxing, friends - central perk

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Comments 10

menel February 18 2011, 10:26:35 UTC
I am such a lame ass that I read your posts in reverse! Meaning, I just rambled like a madwoman on the your birthday fic (so much love for that story!) and then you ambush hit me with this!

Truly, it's a good thing that I read the birthday fic first. Not that, y'know, we're the emotional sort or anything like that. Oh, no.

Anyway, the internets is truly a wonderful thing. And even though this is our story (and I do have a version of it over on my LJ - the Official Welcome to LJ Land post for you) I don't think I'll ever grow tired of reading it because the story and your impact on my life never fails to amaze me. Everything about our friendship and the timing of it all (back then and last year's reconnection) completely amazes me. Eons ago, if someone had told me that I'd be closer to a person that I'd never met except through email, instead of say, a real life 'best' friend whom I see every day, I would've laughed in their face. And now I have you and I've never been more glad to be so wrong ( ... )


dodger_sister February 22 2011, 04:32:20 UTC
Awwww, you made me all smiley and shit. It never ceases to amaze me that I found you like as soon as I got back into a fandom again and that you were in that same fandom and all that shit. This will always make me happy.

Eons ago, if someone had told me that I'd be closer to a person that I'd never met except through email, instead of say, a real life 'best' friend whom I see every day, I would've laughed in their face. And now I have you and I've never been more glad to be so wrong.Jesus, woman, it's like you like making me cry just so you can point and laugh. /sniffle/ We should just admit we are ridiculous saps. You know, this last year, I tried to make some changes, get some things back together in my life that I had lost the last few years - and the one that has really stuck and made a huge difference to me, is you. It's weird, because I tried to reconnect with my old high school bff too but after all this time, even though we used to be like sisters, sometimes people have just changed too much ( ... )


menel February 25 2011, 15:37:24 UTC
*points and laughs*

We should just admit we are ridiculous saps.

I really, really am not. Maybe only with you. But that just means that you're an exception.

And yet, when I reconnected with you, it was like no time has passed at all. It makes me happy.

This, for me, has always been the true test of friendship. RL friends know that I'm very much an out-of-sight, out-of-mind person. (This is not true for my online friends in the sense that I don't actually see any of you, but I feel your presence anyway through LJ, email, PMs and whatnot.) I can lose contact with somebody for two years or more, but when we meet-up again and we can pick things up from where we left off - that's the true marker of friendship.

Of course, when you tell me stuff like you tried to make some changes and reconnect with others from your past and I'm the one that stuck . . . dude . . . you're extending our story (which is awesome!), but it also means you're extending the sap. You gotta stop! LOL.

PS: Did you know that you got recced on rec_hymenated ( ... )


dodger_sister February 26 2011, 04:49:15 UTC
I can lose contact with somebody for two years or more, but when we meet-up again and we can pick things up from where we left off - that's the true marker of friendship.

We had cousins who grew up in TX and all through our childhood and even now, when we get together with them, it is like they have lived here and spent as much time around us as the cousins who actually live here. I always thought that was a family thing until it happened one day with a friend I hadn't spoken too in a long time.

I'll stop the sap - but honestly, my RL friends have significantly dwindeled over the last few years - and yet, here you are. It's reassuring and lovely.

explained that fics that are three months old qualify for that category, and "Respite" is exactly three months old. *g*

Ha! Three months - it's like she was waiting for it to be three months so she could rec it!


vikingprincess February 18 2011, 12:16:40 UTC
You made me sniffle. :)


dodger_sister February 22 2011, 04:33:44 UTC
Sorry, didn't mean to make you sniffley - I think it was good sniffley though, right? Finding old friends is lovely. :)


vikingprincess February 22 2011, 12:11:54 UTC
Yes, definitely good sniffley.


ranua February 19 2011, 01:21:05 UTC
life certainly is a beautiful amazing thing ain't it? (you got me a little teary-eyed)


dodger_sister February 22 2011, 04:35:24 UTC
It was the strangest thing, finding menel again after all these years - it was like an extra additional reward for geting my life back on track. Sorry to make you get all teary-eyed though. :)


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