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Comments 8

jojothecr November 25 2010, 11:37:35 UTC
Lol, the joy of living with cats! :D We had cookies with imprints of tiny paws from my cat as he took a walk over them. That was like sixteen years ago. Now Jerry? He's eleven and five months and he's a grumpy old man and he does what he's not supposed to do just to piss us off. He seriously begs to be killed. Which we, of course, won't do, because we love him. But most of the time I really wanna punch him.

I gotta say, pumpkin pie sounds like one of the most disgusting things ever to me. But, you know, enjoy! ;)

Enjoy the holiday! :)


dodger_sister November 26 2010, 22:54:59 UTC
Kirk's behavior has gotten quite out of control lately. Honestly, since my sister's older cat passed away like a month ago - I'm not sure if his behavior is because he is pissed that she is gone or because she was the one keeping him in line. Also, he is a raging alcoholic who will stick his face in your liquor if you leave it unattended for a second. No other kind of drinks, just alcohol - wine, whiskey, margaritas...that damn cat! ;)

Your cat walked across the cookies?! lol For some reason in my head it just turned into an episode of Law & Order, where they are looking at the size of the paw prints and deducing who the culprit is. Maybe I haven't gotten enough sleep lately. :)

Pumpkin pie is the best thing about Thanksgiving!! For serious, dude.



vikingprincess November 25 2010, 12:48:42 UTC
And the ST remix universe continues/is further developed into its own mirror-verse, with your sister cast as Khan, and her cat as Kirk, yes?

Kirk's shenanigans remind me of the time one of our (at the time five) cats got up on the counter, delicately peeled back the aluminum foil from one of the punmpkin pies, and neatly scooped out pawfuls with his litter-poo paws, licking each pawful clean.

He was the big, fat, totally lethargic cat who was barely willing to move to the food bowl unless there were treats involved, too. Also the one who went on prairie-dog vertical alert whenever he saw something he wanted to hunt, then BOUNDed toward it, thereby giving it plenty of time to get away (he had a bee bee pellet lodged against his skull, and might have been a touch brain-damaged).

And yet, the foil-peeling and delicate litter-poo-paw scooping of pie. He must really, really have wanted that pie....

Happy Thanksgiving, my dear; I'm thankful for you, too. :)


dodger_sister November 26 2010, 23:03:04 UTC
I told my sister you said this and she laughed and then said, "No, no, because I am the one screaming his name...KIIIIRRRRKKK!!"

I said, "No, it's a re-boot. Khan can scream Kirk's name this time."


Okay, never have I had a cat who peeled back the foil on a pie!! That is way too complicated for any of our pets. I am sure it would have been adorable to anyone who wasn't going to EAT THE PIE! lol

You were describing his hunting techniques (too cute) and I thought how much it reminds me of my cat who had seizures when he was a newborn and is now brain damaged from it. So I am going to say, yes that the bb pellet did some damage there. Also, that is awful, someone shot a cat with a bb gun!!

Happy Thanksgiving! /hugs/


vikingprincess November 27 2010, 00:11:21 UTC
Reboot, exactly! Anything is possible.... even a fuzzy Kirk learning to speak English and yelling at Khan in return.

Yes, people had far too many bb guns to aim at squirrels in Eugene, where the cat was shot, and apparently at least one of them wasn't very fond of cats, either. His owner at the time did take him to the vet, who said leaving it wouldn't hurt anything but taking it out would cost kind of a lot. Since she was a very broke individual, she took his advice and left it.



menel November 25 2010, 17:10:37 UTC
You sap. *g*

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving because you deserve it.

/fist bump/


dodger_sister November 26 2010, 23:11:33 UTC
Shut up. I highly dislike you, you know that, right? Don't call me a sap - aren't you the woman that totally cried like a little baby girl cat when I tracked you down after like four years? So, shut it. Ha. What? Fine, I cried too, whatever. ;)

I accidentally left your Christmas present with The Cousin and she totally returned it yesterday and it is awesomer than I remembered when I bought it. I hadn't looked at every little intricate detail before - there is one thing on there I hadn't noticed yet.

Thank you!

/fist bump/


menel December 4 2010, 12:21:25 UTC
First of all, may I remind you that I didn't actually cry when you tracked me down. I got all emotional and I choked up and maybe, just maybe teared up . . . just a little . . . but I did not cry. I certainly didn't weep, the way L. is prone to emotional weeping. Are we clear?

I accidentally left your Christmas present with The Cousin and she totally returned it yesterday and it is awesomer than I remembered when I bought it.

You really are positively evil for throwing details like that my way and driving me mad with curiosity. And this comment has also reminded me that I need to get The Dodger T-shirt Project off the ground because it's already DECEMBER and I don't know how long it'll take them to make the shirt and mail it to you. (And 'cos this is me, don't be surprised if the gift arrives in January. o_O)


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