Cruise, Day One.

Mar 14, 2020 22:03

I have been home one week, and I took notes everyday, so gonna try to stick with posting one of these for every day of the cruise. We will see if I stick with it. Photos to come once my sibs & I get our acts together & do a Dropbox share with each other. Also T is The Canadian Nephew & he’s 8, & L is The Canadian Niece & she’s 10 ( Read more... )

social issues, vacation - all i ever wanted, real life, happy-face, do you like waffles, blame canada

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Comments 1

shirebound March 15 2020, 12:19:17 UTC
none of it was anything to that moment in the Orlando airport when we were sitting waiting and then all of a sudden we saw two children running towards us with their arms outstretched.

Awwww, your sweet niblings! Thanks for sharing your cruise with us. Looking forward to further updates!


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