October 26th, Ya'll!!

Oct 15, 2018 17:14

Omg, I have a release date for my book! You guys!! Friday, October 26th. Just 11 days. I’m freaking out. I never thought this day would actually come. I started this project by writing a single chapter for my Grandma Ava for Christmas, 2015. Nearly three years ago. And now…just 11 days to go ( Read more... )

the nephew, writing blahblahblahing, worrying walrus, happy-face, family circus, blame canada, furry family, fandom saved my life, real life, westword books, the niece, books ah books

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Comments 8

lindahoyland October 16 2018, 05:36:44 UTC
That's great news!


dodger_sister October 24 2018, 05:35:35 UTC
Thank you so much!


shirebound October 16 2018, 11:51:09 UTC
So exciting!!


dodger_sister October 24 2018, 05:37:27 UTC
Thank you! Now you pick up a ebook copy on Friday, but when the paperback comes out in November, don’t you worry about getting one. Everyone who helped out gets an autographed copy, so iI’ll hook you up! ;)


shirebound October 24 2018, 11:10:43 UTC
♥ ♥


elfscribe5 October 16 2018, 21:41:16 UTC
Hey Dodger, congratulations!! That's fantastic! So, how do I follow the Facebook page? What's your book about and where can one order it? I do like to support my buds.


elfscribe5 October 16 2018, 21:43:49 UTC
Oh okay, I found the link to your Facebook page. Wasn't showing up before.


dodger_sister October 24 2018, 05:44:12 UTC
Thank you so much for the support! As you’ve probably seen by now on the FB page, it’s a collection of nonfiction short stories about my real life pets. It stretches from 1974 (before I was even born!) to 2017. A lot of cat stories, some dogs, two hamsters, a bird and even a turtle! It was a lot of encouragement & nagging from my grandma to get this project in motion, but here I am three years later & Pippin, Kirk, Hiccup, Ripley & the rest are about to be stars.

BTW, has your book come out yet? Can I get a link? I’ve completely lost track of the world around me in the last year - you’re a writer, I know you understand that, lol - but I’ve been so excited to read it since you started talking about it on here & I know you were finished with the first draft the last I knew. Hook me up with a link!


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