Happy Numeral 40!

May 23, 2018 16:40

I am now 40 years old. People have finally - finally - stopped thinking I'm in high school. They are still shocked if they find out I am old enough to legally drink. Also, they often think I'm younger than them and when I throw out a, "I'm old enough to be your mom!" I get met by disagreement. Look, kid, I know how old I am and I could have ( Read more... )

mini-me - childhood, birthdays, my girls, photos - my life, happy-face, real life, vacation - all i ever wanted, asshats

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Comments 2

shirebound May 23 2018, 23:08:34 UTC
LOL, wait until you're my age and *wish* people were still thinking you're 25! "Trash and chocolate" is a wonderful way to celebrate. *toasts you and sends lots of love*

(And if liptonrm was still around LJ, I'd throw birthday confetti at her, too!)


lindahoyland May 24 2018, 01:37:04 UTC
So glad you have been having a great day. Happy Birthday!


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