Stuff & Things. And Easter.

Apr 17, 2017 18:39

Hey, gang! So, about the LJ/DW thing. I am going to switch over to DW. Probably not for a few weeks here though. I don’t have one already - because I am very behind the times - but since my LJ anniversary is on May 13th, I figure it would be easiest to switch to DW then, so that can be my anniversary over there too. (It also happens to be The ( Read more... )

anniversaries - celebrate!, cartoons are for everyone!, the nephew, mini-me - childhood, friends 4evah, family circus, firefly - serenity is my home, real life, spiderman is my comic book boyfriend, lj stuffs

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Comments 12

crucis01 April 17 2017, 23:21:20 UTC
Sounds like fun! My daughter, grandson and I had a lovely roast dinner and played Yahtzee. Quiet, yeah but we had a great time. Sometimes that is what you need and with all you've had going on the year or so sounds like this was what you needed! Sometimes the simple things are the best! Glad you had a great Holiday and please remind us when you go to DW! HUGS!


dodger_sister June 1 2017, 20:40:14 UTC
Sounds like fun! My daughter, grandson and I had a lovely roast dinner and played Yahtzee.

Oh, Yahtzee is a good one! I play that through an app. No one IRL ever wants to play - my moms says, "I don't like to do math, sweetie!" LOL As kids though, my family used to have Boggle night. The adults played Boggle and us kids played Junior Boggle.

and please remind us when you go to DW! HUGS!

My LJ account is apparently paid up until December 24, so I don't have to decide what to do about this account until then. But I am over on DW now. Cross-posting everything for now. Just friended you!


shirebound April 18 2017, 00:58:01 UTC
since my LJ anniversary is on May 13th, I figure it would be easiest to switch to DW then, so that can be my anniversary over there too.

That's so clever. I'm still on LJ, but back up my journal to DW. I check my friends list over there every day so I don't miss any posts.


dodger_sister June 1 2017, 20:43:20 UTC
----since my LJ anniversary is on May 13th, I figure it would be easiest to switch to DW then, so that can be my anniversary over there too.----

That's so clever. I'm still on LJ, but back up my journal to DW. I check my friends list over there every day so I don't miss any posts.

Well, my plan to have it up by the 13th failed, do to having the niblings that day because of my little brother's foster-brother's funeral. But I did do my first post on May 31, so hopefully that'll be easy to remember.

I am on there now and just friended you! Everything is cross-posted on LJ though, at least through Christmas when my LJ account comes up for renewal and then we'll see. <3


lindahoyland April 18 2017, 04:15:04 UTC
I plan to stay here but am trying to keep in touch with LJ friends who have moved to DW.


dodger_sister June 1 2017, 20:47:59 UTC
I plan to stay here but am trying to keep in touch with LJ friends who have moved to DW.

Just wanted to let you know that I am up and running on DW, but my LJ account doesn't come up for renewal until December 24th, so until then, everything will continue to be crossposted. After that, we'll see - may delete or may just go to free account. I am also up on Facebook now and will be doing a post with all of my new social media accounts soon. I won't share my real name most places, but I know all of you and would love to follow you on other sites as well. You could help boost my book when it comes out, as it is all about our furry family and I know you are on animal boards and contests on Facebook.


ceitfianna April 18 2017, 14:54:41 UTC
That sounds fun and I'm the name on DW as over here. I had lunch with my father's cousin and her husband who live in Boston and brought home a lot of leftover ham.


dodger_sister June 1 2017, 20:51:05 UTC
That sounds fun and I'm the name on DW as over here. I had lunch with my father's cousin and her husband who live in Boston and brought home a lot of leftover ham.

I Love ham, but nobody makes it quite like my grandpa did!

Just followed you on DW! Will be here at least through December 24, as am paid up. After that we'll see.


yeuxdebleu April 22 2017, 02:53:52 UTC
Gosh, I haven't thought about euchre in years. My grandfather loved it and used to organize games at all our family get togethers. I never learned the game though, I suppose because I was too young.

I have the same user name at Dreamwidth and will gladly friend you when you get there.


dodger_sister June 1 2017, 20:56:04 UTC
Gosh, I haven't thought about euchre in years. My grandfather loved it and used to organize games at all our family get togethers. I never learned the game though, I suppose because I was too young.

Yes, my grandpa loved it too. Even the first year or so he was in the nursing home, we'd call around to make sure we had four people and then head out there on a Saturday afternoon to play Euchre with him in his room!

I learned at about age 8. During the tournaments at holiday dinners, if you didn't know how to play, you had to go to the basement, with the TV and the toys. I got tired of being sent to the basement with the 'babies'. I was a big kid! I could play too! So my big brother taught me.

I have the same user name at Dreamwidth and will gladly friend you when you get there.

I just friended you on DW! I am here at least until December 24, as that is when my account gets renewed (or not, will see what I decide), so everything is crossposted for awhile at least.


yeuxdebleu June 3 2017, 02:34:31 UTC
I got tired of being sent to the basement with the 'babies'.

I learned to swim because I got tired of being left on the beach while everyone else swam out to the float.

I saw that you friended me at DW and I friended you back.


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