The North-Wind.

Mar 16, 2017 18:14

So, last week we had the wildest windstorm I think I’ve ever seen outside of an actual tornado. Trees coming down on cars, chimneys ripping off, power lines down everywhere, hundred-thousands without power, cars being pushed off the road by the force of the wind, trees bashing their way through rooftops, limbs everywhere, garbage cans blowing down ( Read more... )

weather or not, worrying walrus, my girls, family circus, that's why they call it a workout, real life, asshats, sister oh sister, boy cousin

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Comments 10

shirebound March 17 2017, 02:10:50 UTC
WOW!!!! I can't remember ever being in wind that strong.


dodger_sister January 17 2018, 22:36:16 UTC
WOW!!!! I can't remember ever being in wind that strong.

That's not even my worst wind story. Once I got caught in a tornado that picked me right up off the ground and blew me about 12 feet down the road until Dad grabbed me up. I'm telling you, Wind is my Enemy! (I'll have to type that whole story of the tornado up someday for you guys!)


shirebound January 17 2018, 22:57:42 UTC
Mega Wow!!


ceitfianna March 17 2017, 04:29:26 UTC
That sounds terrifying. I'm glad that you stayed inside. Wellington had terrifying winds, I remember living on the 12th floor and feeling the building move. It was on a foundation that was good for earthquakes but that meant the wind shifted it. Also going up the main hill with horizontal rain on my birthday.


dodger_sister January 17 2018, 22:39:36 UTC
That sounds terrifying. I'm glad that you stayed inside.

No one at my PT place was even a little surprised when I didn't show up that day! ;)

Wellington had terrifying winds, I remember living on the 12th floor and feeling the building move. It was on a foundation that was good for earthquakes but that meant the wind shifted it.

Oh man, my vertigo would hate that. I always say my fav city in the US is Chicago - how I wish I could live there - but it's the Windy City for crying out loud, I'd never survive there!

Also going up the main hill with horizontal rain on my birthday.

Omg, that must have been scary & a little painful, yes? Horizontal rain freaks me out bc it looks so unnatural!


lindahoyland March 17 2017, 17:05:10 UTC
I'm scared of wind too. In my teens half the roof blew off and when I was at college, I had to crawl through the grounds to get home and keep turning round to breathe. Wind is scary!


dodger_sister January 17 2018, 22:51:35 UTC
I'm scared of wind too. In my teens half the roof blew off and when I was at college, I had to crawl through the grounds to get home and keep turning round to breathe. Wind is scary!

Omg, the having to crawl thing sounds utterly terrifying! Wind knocking the breathe out of my chest is one of the worst feelings. Been going down the street in Chicago, Sis pushing my wheelchair, thinking, "All I have to do is hang on until we get to the curb and then we will turn and not be going straight into the wind and I can breath again." But then thinking maybe I won't make it that far without being able to take in a breath. Your experience sounds like my worst nightmare!


lindahoyland January 18 2018, 01:38:29 UTC
I couldn't breathe either. I had to keep turning to get a breath out of the wind.


matchboximpala April 10 2017, 05:47:51 UTC
My grandmother was quite small and slight and was blown over with her walker on a day that was just windy. I can't imagine how she would have fared in a real windstorm. Scary.

We had a big storm come through earlier this week, but nothing quite as bad as you are describing. Some folks were without power for awhile, but I think it was fixed pretty quickly. I just had a few flickers.


dodger_sister January 17 2018, 22:57:34 UTC
My grandmother was quite small and slight and was blown over with her walker on a day that was just windy. I can't imagine how she would have fared in a real windstorm. Scary.

Oh no, I hope Grandma wasn't hurt too badly that day! Yes, me too, very small & because I stand in an awkward position due to my bad knees, I am balanced in a way that makes it easier for wind to knock me right over. Or right up off the ground!

I'll tell you that day I canceled PT bc of the wind, the cats, who usually ignore the weather outside, were all terrified.

We had a big storm come through earlier this week, but nothing quite as bad as you are describing. Some folks were without power for awhile, but I think it was fixed pretty quickly. I just had a few flickers.

When I lived with my mom in her first house here in town - way on the other side of town from where I am now - we lost power at every little twitch of the wind. It was ridiculous. But over here, on this side of town, for some reason we never get rarely than a flicker. I think once we ( ... )


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