Death & Hope & Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2016 20:34

Doodling here while I watch cartoons with The Niece. Death to 2016. Hope for 2017. I showed it to The Nephew & Sis and said, "See, 2016 is dead. 2017 is gonna be better," and Sis said, "Uuuhhh, are you sure about that?" and I said, "No, but I'm gonna pretend I have hope." Anyways, I'm starting out the new year with a terrible sore throat and ( Read more... )

the nephew, sick n tired, art - mine, friends 4evah, art blahblahblahing, art - digital, real life, new years rockin eve!, the niece, hope is a 4 letter word too, sister oh sister

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Comments 11

yeuxdebleu January 1 2017, 01:49:08 UTC
Oh no! So sorry you getting sick. I hope it's a false alarm.

2016 was a dreadful year and I just did an entry about it.


dodger_sister February 28 2017, 23:11:02 UTC
Oh no! So sorry you getting sick. I hope it's a false alarm.

It was not a false alarm, I completely lost my voice for two days! All is well now though. <3

2016 was a dreadful year

It was. And 2017 is not shaping up much better. It's only just begun, I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt here, but 2017 better start behaving itself!


yeuxdebleu February 28 2017, 23:18:56 UTC
I don't hold out much hope for 2017 unless the Republicans in Congress grow a spine and stand up to Trump. He's a menace!!


dodger_sister March 1 2017, 00:07:06 UTC
Agreed. And I don't think republicans even have spines, so I doubt that'll happen. ;) But The Resistance is growing every day, so maybe, just maybe, it'll be The People that make the change. (or Dump will really fuck up and get impeached and then we can start in on Pence).


shirebound January 1 2017, 02:16:48 UTC
"There is always hope."

Happy New Year to you and your family. May it be blessed!


dodger_sister February 28 2017, 23:14:32 UTC
"There is always hope."

I keep thinking of Gandalf's line, "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

Also, after seeing Rogue One, I have adopted a line from that for my tumblr tag for the resistance against Dump's regime: "Rebellions are built on hope."



lindahoyland January 1 2017, 10:20:19 UTC
Hope you soon feel better.


dodger_sister February 28 2017, 23:15:09 UTC
Hope you soon feel better.

I lost my voice for a few days over the new year, but all is well now! <3s


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