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Comments 7

shirebound September 22 2016, 22:29:50 UTC
What a lovely post. We're a lucky bunch o' gals, and no mistke.


dodger_sister March 1 2017, 00:13:09 UTC
What a lovely post. We're a lucky bunch o' gals, and no mistke.

I truly enjoyed my time and friends in The West Wing fandom, which was also there for me at the beginning of discovering fanfic, along with Lord of the Rings. But there was something about the LOTR fandom that felt like 'coming home'. I am sure you know exactly the feeling I am talking about. :)


vikingprincess September 24 2016, 03:21:45 UTC
Tolkien and his buddy Lewis started my love of fantasy SO EARLY in my life - I hate to think what I might have missed without their early influence on my brain meats!


dodger_sister March 1 2017, 00:18:04 UTC
Tolkien and his buddy Lewis started my love of fantasy SO EARLY in my life - I hate to think what I might have missed without their early influence on my brain meats!

Oh yes, CS Lewis. It was Narnia that started everything for me. That started me laying in bed at night, thinking of other worlds, of the possibilities that these places really truly existed. Narnia opened a door for me when I was very young.

But at a much older age, I discovered Middle Earth and right along with it the welcoming arms of the LOTR fandom, which was another kind 'influence', I suppose. I suspect that had we had the internet when I first read the Narnia Chronicles, I would have found that open door and welcoming family of fandom much earlier. <3

Imagine without the LOTR fandom, I may never have stepped out onto the road that led me to you, babe!! /gasp/


vikingprincess March 1 2017, 03:18:36 UTC
I may never have stepped on the road that led me to you

I would never have known what I was missing, but I am SO GLAD that I DO know! Love you, babe!


ranua September 25 2016, 13:53:23 UTC
Tolkien was for sure a genius. The hobbit and LotR are some of the best books ever written, hands down. They fed my love of fantasy and adventure when I was younger, heck, they still do. A very happy birthday to the hobbit boys!


dodger_sister March 1 2017, 00:21:02 UTC
Tolkien was for sure a genius. The hobbit and LotR are some of the best books ever written, hands down. They fed my love of fantasy and adventure when I was younger, heck, they still do.

It was definitely Narnia for me, that opened the door to the idea of other worlds, other possibilities. But that door led me to Middle Earth eventually and to fandom and onward and onward and onward, through the whole journey of my life. I wonder if these two great men- Lewis and Tolkien - knew they would forever affect the lives of the millions of people who laid their hands on these fantastical books, these wonderful worlds.


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