Writing - The First 6 Months.

Jul 31, 2016 23:00

So, at the beginning of the year, I had this wacky goal in my head that I would reach 100k again this year, like I did once, about three years ago. I was determined! The madness with my mother was dwindling - ahaha, I was so naive - and I would get back to writing! Well...that didn't happen quite so much as I had hoped. But, I am working ( Read more... )

writing blahblahblahing, real life, word count total, family circus, fic count total, furry family, cats are squishy fun!

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Comments 10

elfscribe5 August 1 2016, 04:32:14 UTC
Congrats! That's fantastic that you've done so much. We always have bigger goals for ourselves but if we focus on what we haven't done, we ignore what we have accomplished.


dodger_sister August 16 2016, 20:51:19 UTC
Congrats! That's fantastic that you've done so much. We always have bigger goals for ourselves but if we focus on what we haven't done, we ignore what we have accomplished.

Oh, did I ever need to hear this. You are absolutely right, I was so upset with myself for not being at the intended 50k goal for the halfway mark that I wasn't happily celebrating what I had accomplished, which is more than 10k towards my grandmother's book. And considering how hectic and stressful my year has been, 32k is worth celebrating. Thank you, I have taken your words to heart!


yeuxdebleu August 1 2016, 04:53:50 UTC
Holy crap! I had no idea you were such a prolific writer.


dodger_sister August 16 2016, 20:54:12 UTC
Holy crap! I had no idea you were such a prolific writer.

Thank you! I know, lol, you wouldn't know it based on what I actually bother to post here. I would like to put out like 1k a week of writing, like I find that to be a decent goal, but it hasn't happened so much this year. I also have like 20 unfinished fanfics waiting on me to get back to them and a whole host of stuff from my LOTR and TWW days on yahoo mailing lists that I would like to post here someday, but they need formatted better, I think. My sister always says she has never known anyone in her 25 years of fandom life that writes in as many different fandoms as me - I don't know if that's a compliment or not, but I take it as one, lol!


yeuxdebleu August 28 2016, 00:44:25 UTC
I have only written two fanfics, both when I was active at Always and Forever Elijah Wood (A&F.) One was a hard R rated and the other was G rated for a contest. I just don't have any ideas for fics and I'm amazed by people who do.


shirebound August 1 2016, 14:39:00 UTC
That's an impressive amount of writing!


dodger_sister August 16 2016, 20:55:17 UTC
That's an impressive amount of writing!

Thank you!! I've reset my goal to be less about word count and more about finishing my grandmother's book, so we'll see come next check in time! :)


vikingprincess August 6 2016, 01:26:30 UTC
This is fabulous!

I had zero words in July, and now I'm back in school. Maybe having to use my time more wisely will result in more writing. I can hope.


dodger_sister August 16 2016, 20:58:17 UTC
This is fabulous!

Thank you! It is not my original intended '50k by the halfway mark', but I am still plugging along on the original stuff, so that makes me happy!

I had zero words in July, and now I'm back in school. Maybe having to use my time more wisely will result in more writing. I can hope.

Actually it might. I feel like you do better with the structure of a schedule. Let's hope it helps! You're working on Hunter/Hunted and Teen!Vengers, both things I am waiting for, after all!


vikingprincess August 17 2016, 01:45:24 UTC
No writing in August so far. :(


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