Fic: A Place I’ve Never Known - G, Finn/Rey, Fluff/Schmoop, Romance

Jun 24, 2016 16:32

WTF, I wrote wedding!fic. Who am I? What have these boos done to me?! Still, I couldn’t shake the image of the whole base cheering as they kissed, so I wrote this. I will stand proudly beside it! I blame, liptonrm, somehow. 768 words of sweetness. Enjoy!

Header Info. )

fic - romance, character - rey, word count - 501 to 1000, rating - g, character - leia organa, character - finn, written - 2016, fic - family, fandom - star wars, character - bb8, fic - post-series, fiction - mine, character - poe dameron, fic - fluff/schmoop, pair - finn/rey

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Comments 5

vikingprincess June 25 2016, 03:59:12 UTC
Super sweet!


dodger_sister June 30 2016, 03:26:05 UTC
Super sweet!

Aw, thanks, babe! This was one of those fics that came to me all at once and wrote itself so quickly - I love writing fics like that!



luminations June 29 2016, 01:16:27 UTC
D'awww this is so fluffy and nice! I love that you included the "let go" thing, and that Poe brought his humor to the proceedings. Bravo!


dodger_sister June 30 2016, 03:29:03 UTC
D'awww this is so fluffy and nice! I love that you included the "let go" thing, and that Poe brought his humor to the proceedings. Bravo!

Hee, thank you! :)

I had intended from the start for Poe to throw a little of his own brand of jazz into the wedding - because of course he would, lol! - but the 'let go' piece bringing it all back around was a surprise, as I wrote this, so I am so glad it played well!

Thank you for the comment, it pleased me so!


luminations June 30 2016, 04:23:00 UTC
Oh those happy surprises that turn out so well are one of the best things about writing, aren't they?

You're quite welcome :)


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