Bring It Home, Baby!

May 13, 2016 21:44

So today is The Nephew's birthday! Number ten, can you believe it? Do you remember when he was four? I bet some of you do, because I started this journal on his fourth birthday. Yep, that means today is also...MY LIVEJOURNAL ANNIVERSARY! Number six, if you will. Six years ago today, The BFF, liptonrm, unveiled this journal to me as an early birthday ( Read more... )

anniversaries - celebrate!, the nephew, birthdays, friends 4evah, photos - my life, the bff is my bestest best friend, fandom saved my life, fandom is made of awesome, dwarves - braided and dirty, real life, emotional waxing, star wars is forever, lj stuffs, logan the wolverine is feral, sister oh sister

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Comments 23

ceitfianna May 14 2016, 03:32:24 UTC
Those are great pictures and I love your hair.


dodger_sister May 23 2016, 00:19:35 UTC
Those are great pictures and I love your hair.

Thanks! I've got a ton more pics, I want to put some up here. Do you follow J on Facebook? I can never remember, but she uploaded the whole album there.

The hair is awesome, right?! Thank you! The back, where I had it shaved down, kind of made the color blend onto my skin, so J is upset with it - (she did the coloring job) - but it looks great in all my MCCC pics and that's all that mattered to me. Unless you are behind me and really paying attention, you don't notice the scalp, I don't think anyways. The way it came out almost different shades blended together looks neat I think.


ceitfianna May 23 2016, 03:15:08 UTC
I"m not actually on Facebook, I don't trust their privacy measures.

The hair is great. I need to post a picture of my short Spring cut as its a really good one even though I disappointed the hair dresser by not washing it before.


crucis01 May 14 2016, 03:35:30 UTC
Beautiful! Thanks so much for letting us see the beautiful person you are! Kudos and happy b-day to the nephew! Keep smiling girl, cause it's gorgeous! XOXO


dodger_sister May 23 2016, 00:21:54 UTC
Beautiful! Thanks so much for letting us see the beautiful person you are!

IDK why it is an anxiety hurdle, but I am happy to be working on overcoming it!

Kudos and happy b-day to the nephew!

He's almost as tall as me now. I am so happy to watch him grow, but does he have to grow so fast?! ;)

Keep smiling girl, cause it's gorgeous! XOXO

Thank you, omg, people keep telling me that lately, I never really liked my smile too much, but I keep getting told it's beautiful - by people other than my grandmother, lol!


yeuxdebleu May 14 2016, 04:50:00 UTC
Aww, thank you ever so much for the photos. I LOVE knowing what my LJ friends look like. Somehow, it makes them seem so much more real to me.

I glad you and your sister got to meet Graham. I didn't know that. I doubt very much that I'll ever meet any of the cast because my traveling days are over. I met many from LOTR, but that's all.


dodger_sister May 23 2016, 00:26:32 UTC
Aww, thank you ever so much for the photos. I LOVE knowing what my LJ friends look like. Somehow, it makes them seem so much more real to me.

I am happy and proud to be overcoming this hurdle! Lol, I tend to think of my friends as animated cartoons until I see what they look like, IDK why, but I do. I always have just told people that I look like Alison Lohman but with a wheelchair - (Alison Lohman is the actress in my journal default icon) - but now you can all see what I really look like - (less like Alison Lohman than I did 15 years ago when I picked her as Hollywood!Me).

I glad you and your sister got to meet Graham. I didn't know that. I doubt very much that I'll ever meet any of the cast because my traveling days are over. I met many from LOTR, but that's all.Well, I've never met any of the LOTR cast and doubt I will, so I guess we're on opposite ends here. Graham was so sweet and his handler told us that she has never seen him in anything but a kilt - she works with him a lot - and he was just so nice and smelled good too ( ... )


yeuxdebleu May 23 2016, 02:00:11 UTC
Who have you met from LOTR?

Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Orlando Bloom, John Rhys-Davies, Viggo Mortensen, Sala Baker, Andy Serkis, Craig Parker, Hugo Weaving, Lawrence Makoare, Peter Jackson, Karl Urban, John Noble, and David Wenham. I would have liked to meet Ian McKellen and Christopher Lee, but they never attended any of the LOTR cons.

Alison Lohman has been in quite a few movies and TV shows, but I don't recognize her from any of them.

BTW, I'd like to wish you a very, very happy birthday tomorrow. I hope you have a great day.

... )


greetings! creekside12 May 14 2016, 15:11:31 UTC
Very cool of you to do this. Nice to meet ya! You have smiling eyes ;-)


Re: greetings! dodger_sister May 23 2016, 00:27:31 UTC
Very cool of you to do this. Nice to meet ya!

It's nice to meet you too! :)

You have smiling eyes ;-)

Oh goodness, thank you so much! <3


shirebound May 14 2016, 15:13:22 UTC
my LJ has become my own little coffee shop where I know everyone by name and face and how's the kids and is your mom feeling better and how was that convention you went too?

Yes, exactly! Happy Anniversary, my friend. I'm so glad to see your smiling face.


dodger_sister May 23 2016, 00:29:38 UTC
Yes, exactly! Happy Anniversary, my friend. I'm so glad to see your smiling face.

I know the days of LJ being a busy fangirl hotspot have passed, but I must say, I think I like it better as our own little coffee shop. And I am so glad you and I go to the same coffee shop - even if I get soda instead of coffee. ;)

Thank you - I am happy to finally be sharing my face with you all!


shirebound May 23 2016, 01:18:24 UTC
I get soda, too. :)


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