Oh, What A Morning!

Feb 29, 2016 22:47

It was a crazy ass day! Sis woke me up at 6am to ask if I smelled something burning. It did smell a little weird in my room, but not like burning. I went to the kitchen and I didn't smell anything at all there. She wanted to stay home from work, thought something was wrong. I told her staying home from work because you smell something weird is ( Read more... )

burn the world, sick n tired, family circus, furry family, charity stuffs is thumbs up, cats are squishy fun!, i need a sugardaddy, real life, wtfedyfff, sister oh sister

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Comments 15

shirebound March 1 2016, 05:31:19 UTC
Wow. I'm glad to know you have so many folks to call on in an emergency.


dodger_sister March 3 2016, 22:19:47 UTC
It's one of the perks of having a big family that like 80% of live within a 20 minute drive from me! One of the downfalls is that they always let themselves into the house to use our bathroom! It's called knocking, hello! ;)


vikingprincess March 1 2016, 12:35:07 UTC
I am SO GLAD everyone is all right. Jeez, woman!


dodger_sister March 3 2016, 22:22:11 UTC
It was a wacky ass day, for sure! I think whatever was burning up in the blower and blowing up into the vent (which was the problem) irritated my lungs and now I may have bronchitis. Had to cancel my dr apt bc of the winter ice storm we had here, so it'll be the 15th before I can see anyone. But I'm sitting up and typing this reply, so it can't be too bad, at least. /knock on virtual wood/


vikingprincess March 4 2016, 01:32:23 UTC
You BETTER take it easy!


dodger_sister March 4 2016, 02:44:24 UTC
Or what?! You'll come and aggressively lay on top of me?!


poisontaster March 1 2016, 18:04:18 UTC
I'm very glad you're okay. Sometimes a sibling being annoyingly persistent is a good thing! :D


dodger_sister March 3 2016, 22:24:12 UTC
I'm very glad you're okay. Sometimes a sibling being annoyingly persistent is a good thing! :D

Thank you! You are not wrong, but damn it drives me up the wall that she is always right! Older siblings too, they are so smug about it! One of these days, I'm gonna be the right one and I'll never let her forget it! (I am glad she called my aunt though because I would have slept and slept until the house caught on fire).


poisontaster March 5 2016, 04:12:44 UTC
Speaking for the Union of Older Siblings, you youngins are just going to have to accept our divine rightness. :D


ceitfianna March 1 2016, 19:16:22 UTC
*hugs* That sounds really stressful but its good that everyone was being so careful. I hope you feel better, UTIs suck.


dodger_sister March 3 2016, 22:27:02 UTC
J ended up taking a huge nap that afternoon bc once her adrenaline stopped running, she went down face first! Little Bro gave me the rundown on proper furnace care today and it looks like we haven't been keeping up on it, so once we buy the new one, we will be staying on top of all of our household needs better! Now I'm thinking the burning in the vent irritated my lungs and may have set bronchitis in motion. I'm doubling up on my inhaler until I can see the doc on the 15th and hope that staves it off enough. (had to cancel my original dr appt because of the ice storm we got here!)


ceitfianna March 3 2016, 22:35:15 UTC
I can see that, houses take work. My parents have a gas stove that's great but sometimes its smelly and it bothers everyone's allergies. I hope you feel better.


matchboximpala March 4 2016, 08:54:42 UTC
omg your life

So glad you are okay.


dodger_sister March 17 2016, 22:55:33 UTC
omg your life

LOL, omg, this is my sentiment exactly. It never fucking ends and it is such a comedy of errors, omg. Someday I am just going to put all of these posts of my 'comedy of error life' together into a book and at least make some money off of this shit, lol!

Thank you, babe. The burning in the vents irritated my lungs for a bit, but the doctor gave me an all clear on that this week, so it looks like all that is left is to get a new furnace.


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