January - June Word Counts.

Jul 28, 2015 17:58

I haven't really been posting my word counts this year, mostly because they have been so dismal and also because I keep track of that stuff on my desktop and I swear, I barely turn that thing on anymore, especially now that I have my fancy new IPad keyboard. But I have been keeping track, so I figured now is a good time to post the first 6 months ( Read more... )

sick n tired, comfort movies - jurassic impact day, leverage - the a-team 2.0, writing blahblahblahing, dean/cas epic heavenly love, spn love, cw rps is a sickness plague, teen wolf - high school with werewolves, angel investigations, geek squad time, word count total, agents of shield, fic count total

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Comments 5

vikingprincess July 28 2015, 22:48:05 UTC
Considering how the non-writing portion of your year has contained certain high levels of challenge in a variety of places, I think it's a pretty amazing word count!


dodger_sister September 7 2015, 21:18:47 UTC
Considering how the non-writing portion of your year has contained certain high levels of challenge in a variety of places, I think it's a pretty amazing word count

I am so hard on myself about my writing numbers, idk why, but maybe instead of focusing on that, I should try focusing on something like actually posting fic or uploading to AO3 or something that takes less brain power, since this year only seems to be getting worse and I don't think my brain power is coming back anytime soon. I certainly won't be hitting 100k, so I've decided to drop my goal down to 50k. Sounds more reasonable to me! :)


vikingprincess September 7 2015, 21:36:47 UTC
Seems like a reasonable goal to me. And posting stuff is always nice!

And here I sit, had Friday night, all Saturday Sunday Monday to write (still some Monday time left) and I haven't done jack shit. Maybe because the school year's been so frantic so far.


dodger_sister September 7 2015, 21:39:37 UTC
You always get the writing sucked out of you when you first start back to school, babe. You just don't realize it, but we have this same conversation every first quarter! You'll get it back at Fall break, don't worry!


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