Life Happens.

May 19, 2015 22:21

OMG, I have so many comments to catch up on and I was gonna do it today, I swear, but...then I didn't. It's been a crazy few days. On Friday I had one of the worst flares I've had in a long time, like almost went to the ER, took an entire pain pill, kind of thing. Made it through that, still felt pretty bad on Saturday, but went to see Pitch ( Read more... )

the nephew, sick n tired, sports talk - all about the uniforms, drugs are bad mkay, birthdays, movie blahblahblahing, sleep now, family circus, that's why they call it a workout, biology can bite my ass, real life, the niece, lj stuffs, detroit till we die, sister oh sister

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Comments 12

lindahoyland May 20 2015, 02:54:19 UTC


dodger_sister July 2 2015, 23:12:20 UTC
Thank you! Hugs are always welcome!


matchboximpala May 20 2015, 06:15:44 UTC
Wow, a lot going on. I'm sending good thoughts your way, hun. Hoping to hear good news about both you and your brother.


dodger_sister July 2 2015, 23:14:55 UTC
Wow, a lot going on. I'm sending good thoughts your way, hun. Hoping to hear good news about both you and your brother

Thank you, babe! My health has not really improved and the doctors are still shrugging their shoulders, but they are sending me to some specialists, so there's that at least. I am just kind of getting used to it, I guess, readjusting my life and expectations to my new level. Which is sad, but will be better in the long run.

As you know, my brother is still not well, still in pain, still has no answers. We are doing what we can for him and the family, which unfortunately, isn't much. Hopefully they'll have answers soon.


vikingprincess May 20 2015, 11:42:58 UTC
I hope you feel better, babe!


dodger_sister July 2 2015, 23:15:43 UTC
Thank you! Not really feeling better, but am getting better at balancing my new levels, which is something. :)


shirebound May 20 2015, 15:43:29 UTC
*very gentle hugsnuggles*


dodger_sister July 2 2015, 23:16:14 UTC
Hugsnuggles are exactly what I needed, thank you!


yeuxdebleu May 23 2015, 02:22:55 UTC
Gosh, when it rains it pours, doesn't it? I hope you continue to feel better. Don't want you feeling poorly on your birthday. I hope nothing serious is wrong with your brother. Keep us posted, OK?


dodger_sister July 2 2015, 23:20:12 UTC
Gosh, when it rains it pours, doesn't it? I hope you continue to feel better. Don't want you feeling poorly on your birthday. I hope nothing serious is wrong with your brother. Keep us posted, OK?

It does feel like my family has been having a rough year, health-wise anyways. I honestly don't think I will get much better with my own fatigue, since arthritis is a degenerative disease, but they are sending me to some specialists to make sure it isn't anything else going on in there. And as I just updated on my brother, you know he is still not doing well and they still haven't ruled out cancer, so my fingers are still crossed tight for him and his family.

I did, however, enjoy the heck out of my birthday! Even though I had a bad hour or so at the zoo of not feeling well, I rallied and enjoyed the rest of the day. It was a wonderful birthday weekend, thank you!


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